Remember When the Political Left Wanted a Return to the Fairness Doctrine? That’ll Never Happen Again

If we learned anything at all from the drama that was COVID, it is that the government does not take your natural rights, or their protection, seriously. It is not interested in any opinion that is not its own, and using force to get its way is always an option. This should scare more people than it does.

Refusing to get more boosters than there are Rocky movies is not enough. Showing your maskless face in public spaces is inadequate activism. The machine is not happy about the declining uptake of the self-admitted gene therapy failure (they are still pushing), but this will not slow their roll. Controlling your energy (Net-Zero), your commerce (CBDC), your body (Globalist health Mandates), and your mobility (EVs/15-minute cities) are but a beginning. They must control your words, speech, and thoughts. Limit what you see or do by managing what you trust.

We’ve long known about shadowbanning, demonization, suppressing reach, and Facebook jail, but the Twitter files showed us the extent to which the American government would go and how dismissive the State is to having been caught. Big tech pretended its hands were tied. The machine media, our mainstream press, are little more than partners in this war on information, and they continue to do the State’s bidding, presumably under the misguided notion that they will “be allowed to live” (physically or metaphorically) when it is time to start putting people up against the wall.

Women made that mistake and we’re watching its collapse in real time. Minorities as well, though the deception undermining their families has been underway for a while. The machine response has been to blame white people when they should be blaming Democrats regardless of race. A cabal whose true goal for the diversity movement is to silence everyone who disagrees. Gender, sex, age, race, religion. None of that is important. Ideological purity is the only yardstick that matters.

The Columbia Broadcasting System, CBS to the rest of us, is a dutiful stooge of the machine, and it understands two things well. Media it cannot control is a competition, and the government wants to control its competition.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Absolutely. And, we know in the immediate term, the Biden Administration has been concerned about what this will mean for our politics on the campaign trail. The use of deepfakes or misleading voters. What are the (social media) companies doing to prevent that?

JO-LING KENT: You know, the social media companies are telling me that they’re throwing every resource that they have to stop misinformation and disinformation. But the reality is, that this is a sprawling, endless game of whack-a-mole. That information spreads constantly online, and it is continuing to be very hard to stop especially with the arguments and protections of free speech. Now Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, says it removes manipulated media and voter interference misinformation, and the company does utilize fact-checking organizations and beyond. But the reality here is that taking down all of this bad information has always been an impossible task on platforms of that size. And of course, we cannot forget about X, formerly Twitter. Elon Musk and his team have basically allowed the return of conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, and they’ve also dramatically reduced the size of their Trust and Safety team, Margret.

If you lived through the COVID Drama and the tyranny that rose to make it such, you are familiar with what social media companies do. You can recite numerous examples of the truths it suppressed in favor of lies that interfered in elections. Science and public health debate suffered. Free Speech was not misinformation. The approved narratives of the machine and its media allies were.

It is true that there will always be wrong thinking, poor judgment, and emotional outbursts, shared as opinion, theory, or fact. But as long as there is open debate and rebuttal, the truth will eventually find the light.

We used to have this thing called the Fairness Doctrine, “a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that fairly reflected differing viewpoints.” Decades later, it was determined that the FCC did not need to enforce it to issue broadcast licenses, and since then, the media landscape has so changed that you’d have to try not to find an opposing opinion which is ironic. As that landscape began to spiral out of control, many on the totalitarian-leaning left, thanks to years of talkers like Rush Limbaugh, wanted the Fairness Doctrine enforced.

Talk Radio and the rise of the blogosphere leading today to podcasts are a testament to at least two things. People will disagree about almost everything, and they like to share that with the world. Human nature meets politics, and that was why most of America’s founders believed that government should be limited and local. Secure a handful of natural rights and Keep the power as close to the people as possible, lest it gets away from them, which it has.

There is no better example of how far away than this; no budding globalist despot, be they elected, appointed, or credentials as a reporter at any level of administration, will ever insist that the media be required to allow opposing opinions on its broadcasts.

I think that says a lot about where we are. The same people who once demanded the right to opposing opinion have since labeled it as misinformation at best and hate speech at worst while hoping to convince a majority that disagreeing with the government in public might be domestic terrorism or a crime against humanity just like it is in China, North Korea, and every Communist/Socialist state.

Left unchallenged, western democracies will try to achieve parity with totalitarian regimes on the matter of public speech, and the response to COVID is proof of that.

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