Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!  And if you really like the Grok, please drop them a contribution of support.

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***







One of the big complains I had, and heard too, back when I was single was that women played games.  They also sent out “signals” that they thought were clear – saw a video about that, and one woman said her coy looking away and back couldn’t be clearer.  What most women do not realize is that men do not have that level of insight into human body language.





Yes, it does.  The problem is they’re not going to give up their ambitions.  Ever.












When the currency of academia is papers, you publish.










However much you hate the enemedia, you don’t hate them enough.













From here:

A Lebanese Hezbollah TERRORIST, Basel Bassel Ebbadi, was captured at Texas border!

During his interrogation he said “I’m going to try to make a bomb & set it off in New York.” He said he trained with Hezbollah for 7 years.

Border control is not political – it’s about securing America’s future!



Not IF, but WHEN, terror cells get activated.  Avoid crowds.  Head on a swivel.  And start profiling.  It’s a matter of survival now.











One of the women who cared for my now-late mother was Haitian.  Wonderful woman with a heart of gold.











Judging by the behavior of police in Covid, and now, I am starting to view all police negatively.  Understand that I don’t want to do this.  But increasingly, they’re choosing their paychecks above the people they swore to serve.





IGg4 antibodies anyone?






Answering the 7.3 billion person question.

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (











Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

LOTS of links this time.  New developments are brewing up very quickly.  Apologies, but information that’s not controlled by The State is life now.  Pick and choose, but share what piques you widely.


Watch: CBS Reporter Horrified When Black Former Democrats Say They Will Vote Trump | ZeroHedge

Assuming they stick to it, and others do make that switch as well, this is huge.  The Dems “only” need to lose 25% of blacks to lose big.

mRNA Experiments Have to Be Done Directly Inside the Cells of Animals. Guess Who the Animals Are? (

Note the last sentence in particular.

Canada rolling out social credit system, citizens’ bank accounts linked to obedience scores –

Chinada.  And double-jeopardy there now too:

Canadian facing trial again for “hate speech” after acquittal (

Liz Warren And Socialist Pals Want To Normalize Confiscation Of Assets With ‘Ultrarich’ Tax | ZeroHedge

Ultimately they want to confiscate everyone’s assets.

The need for a remote cache. – Gun Free Zone

Not just for guns.  If, at this late hour, I could figure out how to cache six months of dehydrated food, medicines, other supplies… AND guns & ammo… I’d do it.

In the latest Meme Overflow I had two articles on v0te frawd by this woman.  Here’s another one:

What happened in Nevada? Arizona? Upstate NY? This: (


The Dominion voting machine are NOT secure, and software on the machine can be used to make the “election” results anything they want:

I hope we’re all prepared for what’s coming at us. Assuming we even HAVE an election, if Slo-Joe “wins”, we all KNOW it was rigged, and then we need to decide what to do with an illegitimate government.  But if President Trump manages (by some miracle) to win with enough margin to overcome the cheat, there will be riots, lawsuits, and all kinds of BS happening between the election and the swearing in ceremony on January 20th.  I expect the Dems in Congress will refuse to certify the vote (especially since the sitting VP presides over this), and who will call them out?  Or, the TLA may decide to use the “JFK” solution.  Some on the left are ALREADY calling for that!  Which only proves how much they fear Trump getting back into the White House.

Most of us know that there is not much we can do to change what happens in Washington, DC.  However, we should all get involved in local politics, as we MAY be able to change things locally.  Here’s a good article about this from BRM:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Local, local, local

Research is showing that mRNA from the Covid-19 “gene therapy” shots actually ARE getting into the DNA of cancer cells.  Gee, who could have predicted that MESSENGER RNA (that’s what the “m” stands for) would help slip DNA sequences into other DNA?  This may be the cause of the “turbo-cancers” we’ve been hearing about.  The real kicker is this:  Will it get into OUR DNA, and if so, what mutations will it cause?  And will the “jabbed” pass the mutations on to their children?:

At the risk of a two-year-old “I told you so”… boy, do I hate being right all the time:

Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours – Granite Grok

More on vaccines and the Jab specifically:

COVID jabs unleashed 12 sigma mass death event * * by Noah

In the latest judicial insanity, a Federal judge has ruled that illegal immigrants are allowed to carry a firearm.  Yes, you read that correctly.  So in many places we have “gun control” that thwarts American citizens and makes it very hard for them to get and/or carry a gun, but now it’s OK for illegals to carry.  This is definitely clown world stuff:

In order to buy a firearm (legally), I first have to go to a firearms dealer who has a Federal Firearms License (FFL) and choose a gun from them.  Then fill out a Form 4473 stating that I’m not a criminal (and it’s a federal crime to lie on that form [unless you are Hunter Biden]), get a background check to verify that I’m not a criminal (or otherwise not legally allowed to own firearms), then the government “gives permission” for the FFL to sell me the gun.  But this illegal immigrant, who did NOT fill out any forms, or get a background check, and bought the gun illegally from “somewhere”, is being told “That’s OK”.  Why should we even have to bother filling out a Form 4473 ever again?  Once again, the illegals are being giving WAY more leeway than the citizens of the country.

Added: My last purchase, there was a new 4473 form with spaces for the details of the firearm being purchased.  Now remember: when a gun shop closes, all those forms get sent to DC.  So when the shop closes, now they not only know you purchased, but what you purchased.

A comment about the clown world we live in (from Dave Ramsey, via X):

Former President Obama was just sighted going into 10 Downing Street to meet with the Prime Minister of the UK.  Pretty sure it’s not just a social call.  But since he (officially) has no power, I wonder why this meeting, and what they plan to talk about?:

The Calvin Coolidge Project on X: “🚨New: Former President Obama has arrived at 10 Downing Street for a private meeting.” / X (

Victor Davis Hanson on the reasons people who are cynical about our legal system got that way:

Guilty!—But Not Really Guilty? – Victor Davis Hanson (

More by VDH:

Doug Ross @ Journal: VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: From Russian Collusion to “Bloodbath”—A Decade of Toxic Hysteria (

After 3 years of FOIA requests, the CDC finally released the 148 page report on heart issues with the COVID-19 vaccine.  It’s pretty easy to read, though, because the ENTIRE document has been redacted!  Every. Single. Page.   What are they hiding?

And a good question:

In a recent substack titled “Cui Bono? What if?” so in essence, who benefits? The key issue I remind you is this (go back and read it), they tried to sell to you that COVID virus emerged all over the

Syrian Writer Wafa Sultan delivers a scathing rebuke of Muslims & their “peaceful” ways on Al Jazeera:

It’s been four years since the government said “15 days to bend the curve” (remember that?).  And the results were years of lockdowns, masking, threats of (and actual) job loss, de-platforming of anyone who didn’t spout the narrative, 2-3 year educational loss for millions of children, etc.  And even after we found out just how much they were lying to us, and how bad these policies were, NO ONE YET has been punished for this.  NOT. ONE. PERSON!  So tell me again why they won’t do it again?

Four years on, COVID damage remains while Fauci & Co. pay no price (

SCOTLAND: The most draconian anti-free speech laws have been enacted under a Muslim First Minister who loathes white people (

The Globalists really, really, really want to shut you up.

In the latest victory against right-wing extremism, police officers pull a 16 year-old girl out of chemistry class and advise her to stop posting Smurf-themed AfD-friendly content to TikTok (

Moonbat Justice Jackson Upset 1st Amendment Could “Hamstring Government” – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

And their footsoldiers really want to destroy America (and more broadly, Western Civilization).  And all White people.

The Failed Promises We Made To The Youth | Armstrong Economics

We’re supposed to make civilization be an upward curve.

Bidenomics: People Draining Their Retirement Accounts To Survive – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Larry Summers: Inflation Much Worse Than Government Says – HotAir

Home Foreclosures Soar Nationwide – Geller Report

The economy – our nation – has been betrayed.

Mayo Clinic Out With Some Interesting Parameters for Nursing Applicants – HotAir

Don’t get sick or hurt.

Truth or no consequences – American Thinker

When did we become a nation of cowards who are unwilling to take responsibility for our actions? I’m afraid that I cannot pinpoint a moment in time because we’ve been at it for so long. All I know is that we are living in a society that appears to be bereft of any modicum of blame and doesn’t seem to value accountability, or if it does, it sees it as something that is negotiable and fungible.

New Biden regulation will make gas cars effectively illegal by 2030 – American Thinker

The Founding Fathers would cringe at the level of power the executive branch has these days.  Judicial too.  Related:

Biden’s Treasury Dept. Endorses Debanking Conservatives Over Transgenderism – The Lid (

Joe Biden’s Treasury Department has apparently endorsed the policy of financially destroying anyone who would dare disagree with the extreme transgender agenda.

According to Just the News, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has decided to treat funding of terror networks exactly the same way they treat those who would oppose transgendering small children.

Homeowner Arrested For Trying To Move Into Her Own Property – Louder With Crowder

A woman in New York got arrested because she tried to change the locks on her own home after a group of people broke into the house and moved in.

Biden’s America: Venezuelan Tik-Tok Influencer Coaches Illegal Aliens on How to Invade American Homes and Invoke Squatter’s Rights | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Douglas Andrews: NYT Laments Losing the Disinformation War | The Patriot Post

However much you hate the enemedia, it’s not enough.

‘Shark Tank’ Star Kevin O’Leary Blasts CNN Over Their Glee About Sizing Trump’s Assets – The Lid (

Every Alone Show Winner Had This in Their Backpack – Ask a Prepper

Good lessons here IMHO about survival, especially if SHTF.  From the same site:

If You Grow This in Your Garden, You Will Never Starve – Ask a Prepper

Read This Now, Thank Me Later – Ask a Prepper

Hidden Weapons in Your Supermarket – Ask a Prepper

We Need Chinese Products to Fight a War With China | Frontpage Mag


Hunter Biden is trying to have a judge declare that his laptop is “off limits” so that no evidence found on the laptop can be used against him (or anyone else in the Biden family).  Also, he wants anyone who published it online to take the information down.  Of course, this would throw a major monkey wrench in several court cases and impeachment proceedings.  But luckily for the Biden family, the case got “steered” to a judge who donated to (and voted for) Slo-Joe, and was appointed to the bench BY “president” Biden just a few months ago.  What a coincidence!

UPDATE: Operational Lawfare Targeting Marco Polo, Garrett Ziegler and the Biden Laptop Dossier Directly Impacts Biden Impeachment Inquiry – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

A good video (about 11 minutes) that lays out how the National Police Association is pushing back against the Illinois Supreme Court (which recently upheld the massive ban on pretty much any semi-automatic firearm):

Michigan lawyer Stefanie Lambert went to a DC court to show absolute evidence of the Dominion voting machines being rigged.  She was asked to stay after the court adjourned, and then SHE was the one they arrested:

Michigan Lawyer Stefanie Lambert Arrested by US Marshals in DC Following Court Appearance — After Submitting “Evidence of Numerous Crimes” | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

General Flynn, Ron Paul, and several other “pretty savvy folks” are predicting a major “Black Swan” event before the elections.  Have cash, food, meds, shelter, and ways to defend all of that on hand:

Former National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn Predicts a ‘Black Swan’ Event Before 2024 Election (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


WORLD WAR III and BLACK SWAN EVENTS: “Avoidable” by Description, “Unavoidable” by Design – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

This is an article about a “gaming app” made by a retired Air Force Colonel who has a strong intelligence background.  It games out what will happen in the United States on our way to the 2024 election.  Something to note:  Over 80% of those who finish the “game” feel that a civil war or major breakup of the US is coming, and it may start even BEFORE the election.  Keep your head on a swivel, folks:

Some more “upsetting, but not surprising” news about the Covid shots.  Looks like they can create prions, which cause encephalitis (and Mad-Cow disease).  What’s REALLY worrisome is that these prions are through-the-air transmissible.  Of course, if the whole point is to kill off billions of people, this is a feature, not a bug…

Could The Clot Shots Unleash Prion Disease? (

I’m very privacy minded, so I’m looking at the UP Phone from, as it’s a secure smart phone.  Full disclosure:  I have no financial interest in this, I just thought it was cool

The new narrative is that because of his “bloodbath” comment a couple days ago, and the fact that he “owes” $455 million in fines, Trump is now a national security risk:
The First Amendment is hanging by a thread as SCOTUS seems to be leaning toward supporting government censorship of any information that they deem “not acceptable”.  If this government is given the OK by SCOTUS to censor social media, the First is done, and with it, the United States of America:
My friend concludes:
Folks, I hope these are helping people to wake up, because just pulling this together is depressing.  Frankly, I’m very upset that the country I served # years in uniform for is almost unrecognizable anymore.  Find your “tribe” (people you can trust), and work with them to help each other.




Pick of the Post:



The federal government collected $271 billion in February, but spent $567 billion. This means that America is spending twice as much as it earns, according to the US Treasury Department.
The cost of servicing the US national debt has already exceeded $1 trillion on an annual basis, and the country issues $1 trillion worth of Treasury bonds every 100 days to keep the government running.
Which brings to mind this essay I did on my old blog:


Collapse is coming.  It can’t be stopped.  It can’t be avoided.  More importantly, understand that it’s been planned, and for a long time.

Cloward-Piven Strategy (CPS)




Palate Cleansers:



I’ll show myself out.




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

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