Reaper Skull medical facemask2

UK: Vaccinated Accounted for 94% of COVID Deaths

I’m not sure how much money it takes to buy the integrity of the media or politicians in NH or anywhere else, but it’s a question for which they may want to find an answer. Data from the UK continues to rain on their COVID vaccine parades.

That Lying Ledger Transcripts logo

That Lyin’ Ledger-Transcript

Every time I see the Union Leader’s tagline, I laugh. “There is Nothing So Powerful as the Truth.” Not true. They really mean that there is nothing so powerful as ignoring the truth. Selecting something and calling it the truth at the expense of everything else.

Gov Chris Sununu

NH Governor Sununu: You Are Responsible if a Child is Injured or Dies!

Children’s immune systems naturally fight Covid-19 – and they are at ZERO risk to die from the virus. After 19 months, there is not a single confirmed case of a child transmitting and infecting an adult with COVID-19, nor a single recorded hospitalization and/or death of a child from COVID-19 alone. Sadly that may change … Read more


A Quick Post: Normalizing Heart Attacks

In Potassium Metathorinate I described a sci-fi story with the plot device of a hallucinogenic additive in the population’s food that made them compliant, obedient, and lacking of any curiosity about anything contrary to The Narrative presented by the government.

Survival Sunday

First, let me state up front that I am merely an “enlightened amateur” as far as anything survival goes.  So please vet and check on your own.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.