Vaxxed Athlete Cardiac-Arrest Update: New Resource

Our coverage of athletes collapsing and dying mid-game began in early November of 2021. We followed with a handful of updates, professional athletes just dropping dead or being so harmed they could no longer play the game.

It was reported by German newspapers, collected by concerned activists, and even blocked by Wikipedia, which stopped tracking them (probably) because it was obviously related to the COVID vaccine.

I don’t think we’ll ever know how many have been affected. When it comes to a scourge unleashed by the left, hiding it becomes systemic and automatic.

Thanks to the forced doc dump, we now know that Pfizer knew before release to the public and either lied to the FDA, which joined the media in its disinterest at the epic accumulation of anecdotal evidence, or the FDA was in on it from the beginning.

Another nail in a great many coffins. And not all of them are nameless.

One of our readers sent me yet another resource tracking the names of athletes who have been harmed or killed by the COVID-19 vaccines. Most of them are young, healthy, and in no need of experimental pharmacology. But they were scared, forced, or just talked into it, and it cost them their future as an athlete or their lives.

Another black mark on the ledger, or should that be red? has a page on the epidemic of heart issues 2021-2022. It lists with details and links over 300 individuals, almost all athletes, from kids to pros, men, and women.

People with a future.

And they knew. And we knew before the doc dumps. You could see it happening before your eyes, but the tsunami of media and public health and political pressure telling people they were safe and effective was dauntless. It even branded those who were suspicious as vaccine-hesitant or vaccine deniers.

We never denied anyone their right to choose while they denied them access to the truth and the option to say no, which often meant losing a job.

More than 300 paid an enormous price for these lies – some the ultimate price – and as I aid, we’ll never know all the victims’ names, but we can know most of these folks.

Here’s the list.


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