A medical condition has raised its ugly head as a statistically significant number of women have reported a rare disorder that is not so rare since the mad rush to inject millions with the COVID19 vaccines. The faithful will (of course) dismiss it as another coincidence.
Athletes are dropping dead. Healthy children develop chronic heart issues. All-cause mortality in the 20-50 age group spikes. Miscarriages. Nothing to see here. Just move along. But before we do.
A new scientific research paper published in The Gazette of Medical Sciences on April 21, 2022 showed an alarming, unprecedented spike in reported cases of a previously extremely rare gynecological condition called membranous dysmenorrhea, or “decidual cast shedding” (DCS).
This trend began in 2021, as Covid vaccines were being widely distributed to the U.S. population, according to the paper.
The uterus disorder DCS occurs when the entire lining of the uterus sheds and exits the body in one piece, say scientists. They say the process can be extremely painful.
Prior to Covid, there were fewer than 40 cases of the uterus disorder reported in the medical literature over the previous 109 years, according to researchers.
We went from 0.4 reported cases per year over a little more than a century to “292 women [who] reported having a DCS uterus disorder event over 7.5 months in 2021.” That’s just under 40 cases per month.
One (reported) case every two years to (potentially) 480 in one year.
If it’s not the vaccine, is it Joe Biden? He became president in 2021. Or Kamal Harris?
Wait, it’s Vladimir Putin’s fault! That’s it! Of course, he didn’t invade Ukraine until 2022, so that sleight of hand will take some linguistic gymnastics, but nothing is impossible for the ministry of truth – seeing as we have one now.
They’ll make sure we know what’s what.
But it wasn’t the mRNA vaccines. Nope. No chance. A 900% increase in frequency in the wake of a massive injection campaign. It’s another right-wing conspiracy.
At least until a man pretending to be a woman pretends to come down with it in his pretend uterus. Then we can blame it on Global Warming.
HT – Sherryl Atkinson | GMS