That Lyin’ Ledger-Transcript

Every time I see the Union Leader’s tagline, I laugh. “There is Nothing So Powerful as the Truth.” Not true. They really mean that there is nothing so powerful as ignoring the truth. Selecting something and calling it the truth at the expense of everything else.

Since November, Pfizer and the FDA have been dumping docs (actual science), and they can’t find a column inch to tell the people what’s in them. But they are in good company. I’ve yet to find an honest outlet in the corporate media that cares about what Pfizer and the FDA tried to hide.

This recent example from the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript (MLT) had me laughing out loud.


That Lying Ledger Transcript Covid 19 coverage


Every day you bring stories about the impact of COVID19, you say.

The big type says Full COVID-19 Coverage. I don’t think you’ve quite grasped the meaning of the word full.

A quick search of your pages reveals nothing of value that you couldn’t find in an email from a Democrat-run teacher’s union, the flunkies at piping the CDC line at NH Department of Public Health™, or the same FDA that wanted to help hide Pfizer’s clinical trial data for seven or eight decades because of how damning it is.

The MLT’s full coverage tells you Where to get vaccinated. Numbers of cases. The prerequisite body count. The latest variant. But nothing about the 50,000 pages of documents forced by court order to be released to the public. Some of the most pressing science made public to date. So, important, in fact, that it informs everything else we’ve been told and know.

There was an institutional conspiracy to lie to the public about safe and effective vaccines that were neither.

The MLT has over 80 search results for “Safe and Effective,” but not one for Pfizer’s own clinical data proving they lied. It’s neither.

But the MLT is in good company. WMUR can’t be bothered, nor can any other “newspaper” employing truth-tellers who think collectively that they are looking out for Granite Staters. Hardly.

Related: How Many “Media” Outlets in NH Got Fed Money to Put a Positive Spin on the COVID19 Vaccines?

They are complicit in the single biggest act of white-collar crime in history. A confidence scam responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.

From peddling lies about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin (and never bothering to uncover and report the truth) to promoting vaccines that were obviously not safe or effective a few months after launch. The elderly were dropping dead in care homes, athletes were collapsing in the middle of games, and the band played on to foist them on children. Kids whom the states own COVID data showed to any “reporter” who looked that kids did not need pharmaceutical intervention.

And there’s no excuse for not finding and reporting the truth, except (possibly) taking gobs of ad dollars that might prevent you from ever acting like reporters instead of propagandists.

The case is still open on that one, but the evidence is not in their favor. Struggling local news ignores real stories to peddle the official government line. It’s not flattering but less so if they did it for nothing or because ideological fealty is more important than people’s lives.

My opinion of the corporate media was low before COVID. And since the revelations from Pfizer, we’ve had to dig a hole to make room.

The idea that anyone would subscribe to whatever you are peddling is ludicrous. No one should give you or the rest of them a dime. You are co-conspirators in the deaths of women, children, grandparents, many of whom died alone for no reason – many of whom didn’t need to die but did in defense of a mountain of lies.

And you’re staying the course instead of doing any actual reporting. It’s embarrassing.

Our handful of hobbyists did a better job of reporting the facts and the science in their free time and still do.

Talk about a powerful truth.



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