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Zero Emissions: Pretend Locally, Emit Globally

The American Left’s zero emissions climate goals are not much different than shipping all your plastic garbage to Asia. We do it and pretend it’s recycling, then try to ban straws or bags here when they throw them in the ocean. It’s offshoring, and with Electric vehicles, we are just offshoring emissions, but it’s worse.

EV Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Massachusetts and Vermont Poised to Adopt California’s EV Only Mandate and That’s Bad for New Hampshire

To borrow from Forrest Gump, stupid is as stupid does, but that’s not all there is to say about California’s Vehicle emissions standards or why Vermont and Massachusetts (along with 15 other states) are poised to adopt them and an Electric Vehicle mandate.

ice Image by Brigitte from Pixaby

Vermont Democrats Want You to Freeze to Death

New England has a problem. Its political leaders are committed to making electricity unreliable while insisting homes and businesses only have access to electric heat. It makes no difference if you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) or not.

Car fire original Photo by Matt Hearne on Unsplash

This Zero Emission Plan Doesn’t Zero Squat – It Offshores the Emissions to Other Countries

We are surrounded by idiots inspired by morons like those running California. Climate dolts who have embraced a chain of lies whose solution is the Climate Cult equivalent of dumping western garbage on third-world countries.


NH Dems Look Left (Toward Vermont) For Ways to Waste Your Money

If you are looking for ways to waste money the Left’s elected Climate Cultists are leading the charge. Legislating solutions to problems they have manufactured. Issues that, if real, would be better handled by an encouraged free-market than bureaucratic force. Just look to our left for Proof.

Lawmakers Defense of the Indefensible

A key architect and proponent of the Unaffordable Heat Act, Rep. Laura Sibilia, recently penned a defense of the program. Since she likely speaks for all or most of the 107 members of the Vermont House and 20 members of the Vermont Senate who voted to override Governor Scott’s veto of this absurdly expensive law … Read more

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

For only $899, State-Funded Group Can Help You with Your ‘Climate Anxiety’

An organization created by the State of Vermont has begun a course that industry professionals are encouraged to take to help themselves and colleagues manage “climate anxiety.” The course is called “From Climate Anxiety to Climate Resilience”. Its description reads, “Are you a coach, educator, health or mental health provider, social worker, healer, or in … Read more


$40 Million a Year Just to Administer Clean Heat Standard

The big news last week regarding the Clean Heat Standard potential study results was the reveal that the program is likely to add somewhere between $1.78 and $4.03 per gallon to the cost of heating oil and kerosene and as much as $2.12 to a gallon of propane. But also of note is the somewhat … Read more

Candlelight candle flame Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

A Democrat Created Price Gouging Problem

California’s list of failures is long, from high taxes and poverty to lax enforcement of theft. Crime pays, and foreign invaders are often held in higher esteem than natural-born residents. Housing, land management, water, you name it; California sets the standard for what not to do to which we can add energy. California would rather … Read more

NH Gets 31 Million to Buy ‘Green’ School Buses

Senator Jeanne Shaheen, the Debt Machine, is all handshakes and smiles after milking future taxpayers for another 31 million dollars. Shaheen, who ran in 2008 opposing more debt, has added 25 trillion more during her tenure in the US Senate. What’s another 31 million at this point, eh? The rebates will help selectees purchase 110 … Read more

Kamala Harris

Here’s What Four Years Of Kamala Harris Would Cost

If Americans thought that the Biden administration was the most far-left, big-government, elite Democratic administration that America has ever seen, they are in for a rude awakening. As the Left has effectively silenced the voices of 14 million voters by deposing President Joe Biden from the party ticket, they have paved the way for Vice President Kamala … Read more


“Please, Sue Us!”

Of course, we knew this was coming. In fact, they told us so. It was one of the very first Behind the Lines stories back on January 30, 2023 (I started this column on January 11th of that year) that shared the video clip of The Conservation Law Foundation’s Chase Whiting testifying to the Senate Committee on Natural … Read more

Glass orb sunset earth inverted original Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash

Climate Change ‘Prosperity’: Who Benefits?

Those who advocate for sweeping government power to reverse global warming assert it will lead to a “more prosperous” future. In fact, what we see is calls for a “preposterous future.” These measures will hurt rather than help the environment.  We will be less prosperous while we pollute more.

Tornado Watch Issued for New Hampshire

The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for the entire state of New Hampshire from now until 8 pm this evening.

Night Cap: Expert Gives Masterclass In Why The Thing They Came To Advocate Won’t Work

When you’re getting big bucks to hold a public meeting and nobody from the public shows up, what do you do? Get one of your employees to play the role of “good citizen.” This is what happened at the first legally mandated public outreach forum that was supposed to inform the public about the Clean … Read more

More Bad News for The ‘Energy Transition’ – There Isn’t Enough Copper for EVs, Forget The Rest of It

If you hear a politician or one of their fanatical followers mouthing off about net zero, the energy transition, or achieving some arbitrary reduction in emissions by a date earlier than, say, 2150 CE or 130 ACE (after the covid era), call bullsh!t. Don’t worry, we’ve got receipts.

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The World Bank’s Recipe for Globalist Food Control

A recent report produced by the World Bank leaves no doubt that what has unfolded against farmers in Holland, Belgium, and France is a precursor to globalist plans of food control and all food production (and diet choices) for humanity in the name of rescuing the planet from cows and destructive agriculture.

Social Justice Ideology Compromises “Real” Science

Once upon a time, scientific inquiry was premised on ideas of objectivity, factual analysis, and avoiding bias. The advent of social justice theory, post-modernist thought, and climate alarmism have polluted the waters of many once-prestigious science journals. This political transformation of what was once called science has given rise to pseudo-scientific partisanship on both sides … Read more

A Truckload of Manure

The rhetoric surrounding the passage of the Clean Heat Carbon Tax (Act 18) was full of talk about “social justice,” a “just transition,” “engaging traditionally marginalized communities,” and “moving at the speed of trust.” Yeah, well, shocker, that was a truckload of manure!

Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality

President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat. The latest example is displayed in the administration’s emissions mandates for … Read more