Vermont Democrats Want You to Freeze to Death - Granite Grok

Vermont Democrats Want You to Freeze to Death

ice Image by Brigitte from Pixaby

New England has a problem. Its political leaders are committed to making electricity unreliable while insisting homes and businesses only have access to electric heat. It makes no difference if you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) or not.

The commitment to an all-electric future is mathematically impossible (you’ll need lots of nuclear and they hate that too). None of their solutions will ever provide enough power to satisfy current demand, forget about millions of electric vehicles, and now they want a complete conversion from oil and gas heat to electric?

No one is using their damn head.

Regional policy has been pushing in this direction for more than a decade. Much needed infrastructure to move natural gas and even electricity are blocked to force our hand.

State’s are looking to reduce transportation emissions with no plan to add adequate power capacity to feed the vehicles they want you to drive. And neither population nor economic growth is possible, or even sustainable, given this road and these alternatives.

There isn’t enough land in the Northeast for all the solar panels and windmills we’d need to still miss the make by miles.

This means they are either committed to an exponential decrease in lifestyle, education, employment, quality of life, farming, construction, mobility (freedom), and access to opportunity or they are complete idiots.

A few miles to my Left (in Vermont), this exercise in devolution can be witnessed in Vermont’s Global Warming Solutions Act and The Clean Heat Standard. Distilled down, the goal is to end all fossil-fuel-based heating in the Green Mountain State by diverting fiscal resources through a carbon credit scheme.

Wholesalers are forced to invest in so-called clean energy schemes (upgrades) or to invest in offsets that reduce emissions by a set percentage annually until the goal is met. Advocates pretend this is not a tax, but that’s a lie. All added costs resulting from legislative force are a tax, and those costs are ultimately borne by retailers who must pass them on to consumers.


The central idea of a Clean Heat Standard is a performance standard applied to all suppliers of fossil-fuel heat in Vermont, requiring them to serve Vermont customers with gradually-increasing percentages of low-emission heat, while phasing down their sales of fossil fuels over time. Just as the electricity RPS’s are replacing coal and gas-fired generation with hydro, wind, and solar power, the CHS would replace fuel oil, propane, fossil gas, and kerosene heat with renewable biofuels, cold-climate heat pumps, advanced wood heat, district heating, energy efficiency improvements, and other low-carbon options.


So what’s the problem? Other than that the AGW scare is a political lie designed to achieve a socialist economic end? Local providers of Oil, gas, and Kerosene in Vermont say they will go out of business.


Testifying before the House Energy & Technology Committee, Paul Beauregard, of OnSite Propane, put it bluntly: “There are a lot of us out there who are smaller providers in the marketplace, and your clean heat credits will put us out of business. We’ll be out of business day one. And those people serve, I would say, twenty-five percent of the market … we’ll just be gone. And it will literally leave tens of thousands of Vermonters scrambling immediately to find a provider.”


The legislative burdens created by the proposed rules would make it difficult or impossible for most providers to operate. With the flick of a switch, they say they’ll be out of business, and thousands of customers that rely on them for oil, gas, propane, or Kerosene will be left out in the cold.

There won’t be enough product or provides to fill their tanks, but that’s only part of the problem.


“… there is not a labor force in Vermont capable of installing heat pumps fast enough to retrofit all those homes. Even if all goes according the best laid plans of the Climate Council, they admit meeting their goals for electrification of the home heating sector will require a five-fold increase in the labor force. And let’s be realistic, that is not going to happen.”


It can’t happen unless the same people pushing this so-called evolution step back from their obsession with trying to get every kid hooked up to a college campus. The Federal takeover of College loans was meant to launder money to fellow travelers in the University system who would then indoctrinate generations of idiots like those in the Vermont Legislature.

You need kids to go to trade schools and apprentice with a declining number of available experts in these fields. That will take years and a near reversal of existing education policy. The Left’s green dream is not compatible with its other priorities.

They need the very people upon whose occupations they’ve laid scorn for decades.

And that degree in gender studies or whatever identity politics voodoo these kids went into generation debt to acquire isn’t going to produce much heat. Once you’ve burned it, that’s it.

There’s nothing left but the constant whining sound until the cold comes for them, and they have only Democrats and their idiot agendas to blame.
