Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple. 

Four Horseman graphic - painting - artwork

The Next Pandemic

Nitzakhon note: I am not really out of my hiatus mode but this is IMHO critical enough that I am putting it out anyway despite the risk to my personal situation.  This was started a couple of months ago, but in light of recent events vis a vis a potential new virus, plus other things … Read more

Jab Judo: The Pharmacist Gambit

In Jab Judo I discussed using the Vaxxer’s rules and terminology against them – following the Left’s “patron saint” Saul Alinsky and – specifically – his Rule 4:

Red Flag Original Photo by ‏?? أخٌ‌في‌الله on Unsplash

135 House Republicans Just Voted for a National Red Flag Law

One hundred and thirty-five House Republicans have voted in favor of legislation that includes red flag gun confiscation provisions. “A provision in the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act would allow military courts to issue protective orders that include “Red Flag” gun confiscation.”

Masks Off – Snowflakes!

That’s a whole lotta college loans!! Listed below are the names of the 230 arrested rioters and such who attended the Inauguration in DC. It is entirely possible that liberal courts will make it very hard to convict them. But that is beside the point. Mom and Dad will pay the fines, hire lawyers, and … Read more

And this, Speaker Boehner…

Methinks you’re forgetting ONE little detail here: “I am as outraged and frustrated as you at the lawless and unconstitutional actions of this president. … I believe this decision—considering where we are—is the right one for this team, and the right one for this country,” Boehner said, according to the source. “The good news is … Read more

Catholics for McCain

Anybody that watches TV and follows politics at all knows that the Democratic candidates seemingly spend inordinate amounts of time campaigning in churches and would have to admit we don’t see the same on the Republican side. While we generally associate faith and Christian values with conservatism, we just don’t find Republicans as publicly mixing it with politics– … Read more