“Selma Envy” – always trying to co-opt the Black civil-rights movement?

Or stick with another term as the LBGTQRSTUVXYZ (yeah, a “parody” for you of the permanently offended crew that gets all bent out of shape and upset with we who have much more important and better things to do than to keep up with the ever changing Politically Correct Alphabet Soup of Special Interests because that’s … Read more

An observation on gay militants constantly referring to the Black Civil Rights movement

David French at The Corner: Last week, Hans Fiene – writing in the Federalist–coined the term “Selma envy” to describe the fervor of gay-marriage supporters. In their search for the heroic narrative, Fiene’s generation has appropriated the courage of the Civil Rights movement. In two stinging paragraphs, he illustrates the absurdity: Likewise, we will continue … Read more

As a result of Mozilla giving into the Cultural Marxist Police

Fearless, these pissants ain’t.  Even as they declare themselves to support “diviersity” and they are the “Tolerant Brigade”, they turned on someone who actually showed “diversity” that contradicted their own heterodoxy with no tolerance at all.  Yes, as a company they can do what they want to and the First Amendment does not apply here.  … Read more

Farmington New Hampshire Democrats…About That Hate Group Thing…

The Farmington New Hampshire Democrat Committee web page includes a post titled “Southern Poverty Law Center Report Finds ‘Patriot’ Groups Surge As Anti-Obama Fervor Grows.”  There is an image with a link to a HuffPo post written by Janelle Ross which quotes the the Southern Poverty Law Center, and concludes that… The number of anti-government … Read more

Gun-Toting ‘Lunatic’ Pleads Guilty to ‘Intent to Kill’

The mad right-wing lunatic who, last August, tried to shoot up the offices of the Pro-Gay Rights “Human Rights Campaign” in Washington DC has… …pleaded guilty to one federal count of crossing state lines with guns and ammunition. He also pleaded guilty to one count of intent to kill while armed and one count of … Read more


Two Massachusetts Gay Groups will not be participating in the Nashua Pride Fest this Saturday because the Nashua Chick-fil-A is providing 200 chicken sandwiches to the event. The groups claim that by accepting the donated food event organizers are promoting the Chik-fil-A brand, even though the owner of the local restaurant supports Gay Pride events … Read more

Selective Intolerance

“National day of intolerance,” glibly chided Shepard Smith of Fox News a few days ago in reference to the latest in the culture wars: the national Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day–geez, they’re so biased at Fox.  For those of you that pay more attention to the throwing of badminton matches, swim meets, or flies collecting on your … Read more

New Hampshire Democrats Will Love This Idea

Democrats love rich people, when they are Democrats.  They take their money and give them taxpayer subsidized loans to prop up their failed business ventures.  They love working people, when they are in unions…baling out UAW workers at Car companies when you know that were it non-union Toyota or Honda–plants in America with American workers, … Read more

Operation America Rising– New Hampshire

    Operation America Rising New Hampshire is coming to Greely Park in Nashua, NH!  Don’t miss this extraordinary event! They have answered the call to serve and sacrifice-now it is our turn!  Answer this call to show your gratitude and support for all they do! . Saturday July 7, 2007 12:00Noon Greeley Park, Concord … Read more