“Selma Envy” – always trying to co-opt the Black civil-rights movement?

by Skip

Or stick with another term as the LBGTQRSTUVXYZ (yeah, a “parody” for you of the permanently offended crew that gets all bent out of shape and upset with we who have much more important and better things to do than to keep up with the ever changing Politically Correct Alphabet Soup of Special Interests because that’s what happens with relativism morality – not built on solid rock) crew keeps calling Christian “bigots” and “homophobes” for simply disagreeing politically with them over and over again, after some point, can we say that they suffer from Theophobia – irrational fear of God (as opposed to the usual “fear of God” meant as an admonition)?

But is it a case of Selma envy (just as ageing hippies keep trying to recreate their glory days)?

Likewise, we will continue linking the civil-rights movement with the push for gay acceptance without pausing for a second to consider the comparison. We will continue diminishing the bravery of Rosa Parks by claiming a seat beside her as our reward for the one time we boycotted Chick-Fil-A for a month. We will trivialize the death of Medgar Evers by praising his blood for freeing gay couples to financially ruin a florist who hurt their feelings instead of walking one more block to find another purveyor of petunias who was happy to take their money.
In the Kingdom of Heaven, countless children of God will embrace the older saints who gave them lives of far greater dignity on earth by following Christ’s example and enduring insults, beatings, imprisonments, and even death for them. We know this and yet we will insist that we’re owed an equal measure of honor because we tweeted our support for every gay kiss on “Glee.”
It isn’t just these folks – it seems like any group groping for self-assurance and self-determination always goes back to that even as they should probably be seeking their own.
(H/T: The Corner)
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