As a result of Mozilla giving into the Cultural Marxist Police

by Skip

Fearless, these pissants ain’t.  Even as they declare themselves to support “diviersity” and they are the “Tolerant Brigade”, they turned on someone who actually showed “diversity” that contradicted their own heterodoxy with no tolerance at all.  Yes, as a company they can do what they want to and the First Amendment does not apply here.  However, I do not have to use the products of a company that gives into the Leftist mob mentality.  They wish to project and place politics into everything?  Screw them.

I can too.  I have just removed FireFox from my system and this is being written using the Avant browser and left the following on Mozilla feedback page on Sunday:

I, too, will be joining those uninstalling Firefox & Thunderbird on all computers in my household due to your company’s demonization of Brandan Eich. You have shown a Totalitarian side that is repugnant – a hypocrisy of “we are tolerant – but only of those that agree with us”. Given I agree with Mr. Eich, you must hate me as well, so why should I use your products?

Chick-Fil-A, dudes.  Thunderbird will be next.  While the Establishment Republican operatives go “Shhh, no culture war”, they only delude themselves.  After all, let me paraphrase Cicero:

You may not be interested in the Culture War, but be assured, the Culture War is interested in you

And they will not let you opt out, or your family and friends, either.  The E.Rs may be trying to run away – however we, being Sheepdogs, run towards the sound of gunfire.  If this is the way this particular battle is to be fought, well, we will adapt, improvise, and overcome.

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