And if you don’t think that GLAAD is authoritarian or totalitarian in nature…

by Skip

Hate Speech - Free SpeechUp to this point, I’ve said little on the Duck Dynasty imbroglio – but I will as Rick is absolutely spot on.  We are in a culture war that has been a “hot war” for a few years now.  Government is now in the business of enforcing a secular-humanism religion in the public square and crowding out all others in the Progressive March to the “Heaven on Earth” dream.  Christian values?  Check’em at the door as you leave your home or house of worship because as Erick Erickson of RedState has made clear: “You WILL be made to care” – regardless of what your personal conscience says.  Doubt me?  Read this line that was flashed during one of yesterday’s talking head shows during a Duck Dynasty discussion.  From Wilson Cruz of GLAAD (the militant gay group that not only wants those that it considers to be ‘sinners’ against its values to apologize and grovel, but having done that, then pretty much run-out of the public square, and life):

The country is changing and even the State in which Mr. Robertson lives is changing and he needs to get in line.

How very totalitarian of Mr. Cruz, eh?  Translation: we are changing your values and you will like it.  Or else!  No need to have your own beliefs, no need to have your own moral core – because according to Cruz, you’re a bigot if you do.  You are homophobic if you do.  And we WILL see to it that it changes.

Once again, we see the Progressive culture warrior redefine the common language right out from underneath us.  You see, in order to NOT be a bigot, in order to NOT be a homophobe, you must not just accept our way of life but you must joyfully embrace and celebrate it.

Is this the kind of America we want – personal conscience set by others?  Or will we allow the steamroller of secular humanism flatten all other schools of belief?

Maybe not – after the true nature of gay marriage supports came out during the California Prop 8 (repeal of gay marriage), we ended up see the “Chick-fil-A moment” where ordinary people got disgusted with the behavior and demands of the militant gays over the CEO’s simple remark (shared by Obama at the time, if I remember right) that marriage was between a man and a woman).  Traditional value comment.  Yet, he was figuratively tarred and feathered by the Left.  But a whole lot of folks rose up and said “Enough of this nonsense” and we saw what happened.

Phil Robertson simply answered a question “What is a sin” and he quoted /paraphrased Scripture.  And he is right – lots of things are sinful and (with all due respect to the Catholic Church theology that says otherwise), all sin is the same, all sin is wrong, and all sin separates from God.  God is Holy – Holy meaning “set apart” because of that sin and we all are sinners and fallen.  And that is all he said in the snippet of the GQ interview that set off this Hot Skirmish of the Culture War.  He held up a ruler, a measuring rod – and has been castigated for being “judgmental” for merely doing that.  In fact, the only ones responding have been the judgmental ones: how intolerant is “he needs to get in line” as if a grown man is to change his belief because of a special interest group demands it?

If that is so, the GLAAD steamroller will have a lot of bodies to crush as we are seeing, once again, a mass of tolerant but silent Americans no longer being silent and pushing back.  Erick is right, we are being made to care – but we may be seeing the genesis of caring for our own individual beliefs and standing up for them even if they are at cross-purposes to the Politically Correct / Cultural Marxism beliefs of those that hate us.

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