Grant Bosse didn’t go far enough in ridiculing those whining anti-fossil wingnuts

Bosse is the Editorial Editor at the UL and decided to both call out UNH students, who are in serious knowledge deficit, and ridicule them.  Seriously, has secondary education quality dropped so low that they can’t even do the intellectual equivalent of just playing tic-tac-toe and figure out “if you do this, how does it … Read more

If it is all that important to your business, pay for it yourself!

Concord Monitor had this bit about the new rest stops on I-93 here in NH just south of the Hooksett tolls.  Rusty McLear is lamenting that no one is using the electric car chargers put in by Tesla for free (and therefore, not buying his food or trinkets where his profits come from) AND that no … Read more

An observation as to why Trump is winning: Betrayal

When I first started blogging, I discovered Paul Rahe and began to try to read everything I could that he wrote (and then add my pittance to it).  Alas, someone else thought much of him and behind paywalls he went (ah yes, folks like Bernie Sanders would judge this to be a failure of the … Read more

Govt wants you to do “Austerity shuffle”; you do so after obliging…

 California begins to reward residents who cut water use with rate increase to make up for lower water use. …you get shafted for doing EXACTLY what they wanted.  Once again, we see Progressive Government proving that F.A. Hayek’s “The Fatal Conceit” true- that a single individual or committee canNOT ever know enough to be able … Read more

NRA Stickers and Hoplophobes

“I think it would be very foolish not to take the irrational seriously.”—Jeanette Winterson NRA Stickers evoke an emotional reaction…Carter Gaddis is a newspaper reporter who has a blog called, DadScribe, a blog over-focusing on parental anxiety. Early this morning, as I sit with my German Shorthaired Pointers, Chloe and Gemma, a friend sent me … Read more

Data Point – Fossil Fuel reserves; so much for “Peak Oil” alarmists

“The green energy movement in America is dead. May it rest in peace. No, a majority of American energy over the next 20 years is not going to come from windmills and solar panels. One important lesson to be learned from the green energy fad’s rapid and expensive demise is that central planning doesn’t work. … Read more

Green Car’s Might Not Save You Any Green

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently released its 2015 Energy outlook.  This report shares details on the nations existing energy positions and projects a wide range of positions out to 2040.  It’s a dry read–that’s actually an understatement–but there are a few highlights. It turns out that, despite years of Democrats protestations to the … Read more

Of course Julia Griffin loves this program – who wouldn’t when other people are paying for it??

NH State Rep Leigh Webb (D): “The role of government is to legislate behavior“ And yes, when Government legislates that YOU will give to SOMEONE ELSE your money, of course they’ll be happy!  But is it FAIR that a few benefit from the many?   Instead of paying for something themselves?  Why should Government be creating … Read more

New State Motto “Occuptional Licensing or You’ll Die!”

Granite State Futures Blog We’d like to give Senator Sharon Carson the benefit of the doubt, but it is tough when her husband Gregory Carson is the lead lawyer and representative for HUD in NH. When anyone questions the Granite State Future program, he is the one they send to put out the fires and … Read more

519 “Well Sourced” Examples of Barrack Obama’s Lying, Corruption, Law-Breaking, and Cronyism

Someone, bless their heart, has compiled a well-sourced (their words) list of 519 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, corruption, law-breaking and cronyism. I am posting it as is with the understanding that it may take me days or even weeks to go through it, if I ever do manage to get through it. I encourage … Read more

Poke a stick in the Treehugger cage again: “I am an environmentalist, and yes I do want to limit your freedom”

My, aren’t we being a little totalitarian here, eh (you WILL change your life according to my beliefs)? Your heterodoxy might need tweaking, especially if all of the warmist predictions (and the climate change models are all being shown to be wildly out of whack with their predictions to actual temperatures seen).  And if this … Read more

Do Unto Others

Barry Snell, while at the Iowa State Daily (College paper), wrote a lengthy article back on May 3rd, about guns and the gun debate.  Here is the fifth (and final) part of that article… Orignally Posted: Friday, May 3, 2013 12:00 am | Updated: 12:48 am, Fri May 3, 2013. By Barry Snell   Do … Read more

Are Liberals really THIS dependent upon Government that…

…they can’t even give their wealth away without outsourcing it to Daddy Warbucks Government?  Not exactly my favorite person, “comedian” Bill Maher: There was a story recently about a Georgia man whose home was in foreclosure, savings running out. So he called 911, and when the responders arrived, he took them hostage. His demands? Getting … Read more

Honoring your Oath? Others seem to believe your oath to the Constitution is not mere words. Here’s another one: Accountability

Accountability – a most hated word in politics.  Oh sure, whoever the Political Class doesn’t like will be held to such (after all, they wield the power).  But they never like it when the masses play the “turnabout fair play” game (or journalists, from what I seem, but I repeat myself as many in journalism … Read more

But can you get a Bachelor’s in both kinds of stupid?

              Following in the footsteps of Steve’s great post, I thought I ought to mention (if you hadn’t already heard) there is a student- advocacy organization at UNH called the Student Environmental Action Coalition pressing the university to divest itself from ‘oil and other fossil fuel’ companies.   Mimicking other non-reality-based … Read more

Runs like a Deere….no thanks to a sniveling Lowe’s

I still miss the ole’ Suburban.  What’s not to like about a land yacht that had a really nice comfy bench seat in the front where TMEW would sit right next to me, a long wheel base to smooth out the bumps, 4wd to take care of the ravine that one must pass to get … Read more

Stupidity, Civility, And The Continued Assault on Free Staters

This was originally part of my previous post on pull quotes I found amusing but turned into something else that would have distracted from the previous post being purposefully short and the other quotes getting a shot a some discussion. … In the Union Leader article,  “Free State Movement Not Embraced by All Granite Stater’s” … Read more

No, we are not turning into a gun blog…but hate the demogoguing the “guilt”

…even if it might look that way.  However, as the issue of guns go for us, while almost every Grokster shoots (some WAY more than others), we see it as yet another infringement by Statists in determining what is and isn’t good for you as in “Why do you need that” and “I can’t understand … Read more

Ford you say? All that talk about Obama saving the domestic car companies?

This caught my eye over at Instapundit: FORD HELPED MOST BY GM, CHRYSLER BAILOUTS? Bet you didn’t see this coming! A new Rasmussen survey of consumer sentiment finds that a clear majority of those interviewed are more favorably disposed to buying a Ford product because the famous automaker did NOT go hat-in-hand to Washington for … Read more

There is a difference between the Free Market and the Government Market

And TreeHugger decided to demonstrate that, with clueless irony, all on their own.  Yes, one more from TreeHugger that shows that Environmentalism has really left its roots of DOING environmental work and very much all about getting Big Government and its big teat (and very much, dependent on that teat) to do it instead as … Read more