Grant Bosse didn’t go far enough in ridiculing those whining anti-fossil wingnuts


oilBosse is the Editorial Editor at the UL and decided to both call out UNH students, who are in serious knowledge deficit, and ridicule them.  Seriously, has secondary education quality dropped so low that they can’t even do the intellectual equivalent of just playing tic-tac-toe and figure out “if you do this, how does it affect this other thing?”.  This caught my eye:

Do they have the courage of their own convictions? Are they willing to divest from fossil fuels themselves?

They should refuse to ride in gasoline-powered cars, or electric vehicles recharged by a grid powered by coal and natural gas. They should put down their phones and tablets made with components shipped from around the world in bulky freighters. They should do their homework by candlelight, using pen and paper. And when they sit at their fancy electric dining table, and eat their food grown hundreds and thousands of miles away, they should realize they too are profiting from the fossil fuel industry.

Oil, coal and natural gas have provided tremendous benefits to the entire world. Those calling for divestiture should be willing to sacrifice all those benefits for their cause.

But that’s not the full of it – remember that magic word from The Graduates: “plastics”?  Yeah, not just the shipping of your precious iPhones, tablets, and other electronics, it is the making and forming of those components as well.  Poof – gone!  And Durham might have to reconsider some o their ordinances – there’s gonna be a whole lotta clothes gone missing as petroleum as a feedstock is also used in a lot of the synthetic fibers in clothes.  In shoes, too – and all those chic sneakers and boots are gone as well.

Talk about going organic!

No, these sniveling little nitwits haven’t the clue about the complete ramifications of not just going fossil free on campus but in the larger world in which they are just a tiny bubble.  Petroleum is not just for transportation.  Coal, too, is used for things other than energy.  And while I have a wood stove (yeah, I know; the EPA wants it gone too) for heating, there’s a whole lotta dorm rooms heated either with heating oil and propane.  And this is New Hampshire in the winter time – get used to some real bracing showers ’cause you ain’t got no heat for water, either.

No, I know these nothing-heads have not clue one for what they ask.  It would be nice, however, to see how they could cope with their fantasies if made real.  The real question is whether or not the UNH Administration would “cave in” and do it now – all it takes is a few switches to be thrown.

Really, that easy. But we all know that they are all poseurs.


Calling their bluff: Can UNH protesters go fossil fuel free?
UNH Divest plans a campus protest today in an attempt to convince university brass to divest its endowment fund from companies that extract fossil fuels.

They don’t want the school “profiting off the destruction of the planet.”

Their premise is absurd. Drilling for oil or digging for coal aren’t destroying the planet, and there is no feasible plan to replace fossil fuel energy sources in this century. The companies supplying the bulk of the world’s energy are not immoral, and carving them out of the college’s investments would be a breach of the school’s fiduciary responsibility.

But let’s say we gave these ill-informed protesters the benefit of the doubt. Do they have the courage of their own convictions?

Are they willing to divest from fossil fuels themselves?

They should refuse to ride in gasoline-powered cars, or electric vehicles recharged by a grid powered by coal and natural gas. They should put down their phones and tablets made with components shipped from around the world in bulky freighters. They should do their homework by candlelight, using pen and paper. And when they sit at their fancy electric dining table, and eat their food grown hundreds and thousands of miles away, they should realize they too are profiting from the fossil fuel industry.

Oil, coal and natural gas have provided tremendous benefits to the entire world. Those calling for divestiture should be willing to sacrifice all those benefits for their cause.
– See more at:


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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