HB 1704 – Republicans doing the dirty work by resurrecting HassanSpeech? Part 2

OK, Part 1 is here – which simply pulled out a couple of nuggets from the proposed HB 1704 as found at  NH.GOV. While there was enough uproar to have the NH Senate table it last week, it is supposedly coming back from the dead.  I have already made the pitch that the bill needs … Read more

Chevy Volt vs. Health Care

Just a passing observation about the Chevy Volt. It is not a Green vehicle unless by ‘Green’ you mean that it runs by burning through money.  After all, who can actually  afford a $45,000.00 automobile, even with a $7,000.00 dollar taxpayer funded incentive?   The vehicle is barely functional as an electric car, taking longer to … Read more

A Tale of Two Cities: Detroit and Houston

GOOD READ below, from from National Review. You can subscribe to National Review HERE (I do; well worth it). Houston, We Have a Solution A tale of two cities BY MARIO LOYOLA  On a warm Saturday evening in June 1943, crowds were relaxing on Belle Isle, a retreat slightly larger than New York’s Central Park nestled in the … Read more

Such a BIG (ego) bus….

The Hill: The country’s automakers should ditch their focus on SUVs and trucks in favor of smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles, President Obama said Monday. “You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks,” Obama said during a town hall forum in Cannon Falls, Minn. “There is a place for SUVs and trucks, but as gas … Read more

Conservatives believe that the best form of welfare is a job. Govt thinks otherwise.

"Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as … Read more

The Grok on WGIR – Friday morning edition

Audio: Once again, the ‘Grok was on the Morning show from 6 – 6:30 with Jeff Chidester and crew to talk about what’s going on in the blogosphere.  We talked a little about: The agenda that the Democrats and the Communist Party USA seem to share (H/T: Grokster Steve).  We also started on education with … Read more

Hasbro Capitalizes on Beer Pong

Just imagine the awe (and your own personal pride) at hearing stories about how your college age child–at an investment of anywhere from $15-50K per year–can put a ping-pong ball into a beer cup faster than Tiger can sink a mini-golf putt off the rail, through the windmill, under the waterfall and…Cuponk!

It’s not about “saving the planet” – it all about the Benjamins and control

Once again, we’re seeing the pronouncements, even in the background of Climategate and Al "I created the Internet" Gore’s (let’s see again, how big is his carbon footprint?) admission that his support for corn based ethanol was just pandering to farmers to bolster his run for President.  Once again, it is easy to see what … Read more

A small, lean military to protect us from foreign invaders….

This just in from Jamie Dupress at wsbradio.com. Please read the following list and explain why each of these military construction projects are necessary to protect the United States from foreign invaders. This is why they call it "the Welfare-Warfare State." We must dismantle both sides of the government spending-monster, or continue our spiral downward as a nation.

Al Gore: Fine for thee, but not for me…

Back in February of ’07, we posted a piece reporting that the AlGore mansion in Nashville consumed over twenty times the electricity of the average American household– using in a month more than most homes use in a whole year. The original author of the report, which appeared on Drudge at the time, Drew Johnson … Read more

Ten Reasons why I won’t join the McCain Derangement Express…

Derangement Express . While Skip has decided to climb aboard the McCain Derangement Syndrome Express in concert with Rush, Michelle, and the rest, I have taken a decidedly more sober approach. While I agree that certainly McCain has been a pain in the @$$ for Republicans on some issues through the years, when I consider … Read more

‘Grok Blogger joins with Carbon Coalition. Yep. We’ve gone green…

        Windmills on Gunstock? Why not? . In a June 19th post, the CarbonCoalition blog writes Holding our local businesses and corporations accountable for their greenhouse gas emissions is a necessary step in combating global warming I would add that local governments should be held to this same standard. As a matter … Read more

Mitt Romney announces. Great speech. Is it enough?

Mitt Romney formally announced his campaign for the Republican nomination today in Michigan. While regular readers know that I’ve been rather hard on Mitt in many prior postings, I do like the sentiment he’s put forth in his announcement speech. Friend Rich Killion, who works for the Romney team here in NH, was kind enough … Read more

Bush on energy and how the Dems will help. Sure they will.

In his radio address this week, President Bush speaks about energy. It all sounds good, but I can’t help but think that all of the planning that’s aimed at curbing consumption of oil and its refined products is ultimately going to consume greater amounts of my shrinking take-home earnings. My apologies for sounding so cynical … Read more