ice Image by Brigitte from Pixaby

Ban Electric Cars IMMEDIATELY … Global Cooling Threatens A New Ice Age

So let’s play the way the Communists … oh! I’m so, so sorry! I mean Democrats … play. The chart below establishes that we are facing a CRISIS … and that we need to act IMMEDIATELY. The planet is getting cooler despite the increase in CO2 … we need, therefore, to produce even more CO2 … Read more

Children Work Congo Cobalt Mine So Democrats Can Feel Good About Electric Cars

Daily Mail and (Barbara Jones for The Mail on Sunday) His name is Dorsen and he is one of an army of children, some just four years old, working in the vast polluted mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where toxic red dust burns their eyes, and they run the risk of skin disease and … Read more

Electric Cars aren’t About to Save the Planet

Not news to me but I never get tired of other people pointing out the scam. While electric cars typically emit less CO2, the savings are smaller than most imagine. Over a 150,000 km lifetime, the top-line Tesla S will emit about 13 tonnes of CO2. But the production of its batteries alone will emit … Read more

EV Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Electric Cars Are Worse For The Environment (Hah Ha!)

Back in 2008 when I was talking about how cars like the Prius were not nearly as environmentally friendly as the greens and Democrats let on because the manufacturing process for the battery system was so hostile to the environment. That process erased any benefits you might achieve during use.

Data Point – Selling those electric cars

As I pointed out here, President Obama has decided that: With more research and incentives, we can break our dependence on oil with biofuels, and become the first country to have 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015. That’s 4 years for now.  Thinking that’s about a quarter million cars / year, that … Read more

Car chevy mustang

Are Vermonter’s Ready to Buy Cars in New Hampshire?

Vermont tied its increasingly rickety wagon to California’s air quality standards for motor vehicles. Advanced Clean Cars II (ACCII) “requires manufacturers to produce vehicles certified to increasingly more stringent emission categories, according to schedules based on vehicle fleet emission averages for each manufacturer.“ Vermont legislators handed authority over Vermonters to wingnuts in California and they … Read more

Natural gas gast stove Photo by KWON JUNHO on Unsplash

For Harris Pro-Choice Does Not Include Cars and Appliances

Kamala Harris wants to deprive Americans of the right to choose cars and household appliances. When she claims, as she did at a rally last week in Michigan, that “I will never tell you what kind of car you have to drive” she is guilty of two of the Democrats’ most reviled offenses, malinformation (failure to … Read more

Do Cows or Cars Hurt the Planet More?

The slander of cows for their existential threat to humanity has focused on methane emissions, which allegedly warm the planet unsustainably. This dubious claim is premised on the sketchy logic that methane production negates any beneficial bovine ecological impacts (especially of urine and manure) and ignores the effects on the environment and food system if … Read more

EV charging electric vehicle

Dissatisfied EV Owners Spell Doom for Electric Car Manufacturing

A recent consumer survey revealed that 46% of US electric car owners wish to switch back to a gas-powered car. In an industry already facing hurdles with charging stations, cost, and public skepticism, consumer distaste over performance and a hefty price tag threatens to eviscerate future EV sales. Despite subsidies and claims of world-saving environmental … Read more

EV charging electric vehicle

As If You Needed Another Reason to Stay The Hell Away From Electric Vehicles

If you search the site for EVs or Electric Vehicles, you’ll find every reason not to buy one, and thankfully, we’re not the only ones pointing it out. EV sales are lousy in the US, which has to be why Democrat states are looking to ban gas-powered cars.

Carson, Gannon & Abbas Need to be Primaried. Here’s Why.

Let me start by saying something nice about all three Senate Judiciary Republicans. They’re all nice people and presumably decent people in their personal lives. I’ve had pleasant encounters with them, some leading to pleasant talk, sometimes more than once.

The Demise of the Electric Vehicle

The nation’s recent deep freeze stranded many expensive electric vehicles (EVs) with drained batteries, often in front of charging stations equally disabled by the cold. Warmer areas like California, where some 39% of EV car owners reside, do not abuse their batteries with the harsh seasonal winters that threaten many regions of the nation and … Read more

Electric Vehicles Are Doomed To Fail

In a story that seems to be becoming increasingly common as time goes on, The Western Journal reported this week about a Canadian EV owner experiencing some massive sticker shock over the cost of replacing the damaged battery in his electric vehicle.

EV charging electric vehicle

Consumer Reports: EV Owners Say Their Cars are Unreliable

From “the things we already knew” file, Consumer Reports has found that “Electric vehicle owners continue to report far more problems with their vehicles than owners of conventional cars or hybrids, according to their newly released annual car reliability survey.”

Electricity power lines Transmission lines High voltage

The State Wants to Suck Electricity from the SUV You Are Required to Buy

A literal power vacuum—that’s what California Senate Bill 233 proposes. And what is to be sucked? Your electric car.

EV, Eletric Vehicle parking spot

Is It too Soon to Report Even MORE Bad News About Electric Vehicles?

Before I impart the new bad news, yesterday, Rob Roper looked at Vermont’s ridiculous, misguided spending decisions regarding school buses. They don’t have enough drivers, so when they got some money, they ‘invested it’ in electric school buses (for whom they still don’t have enough drivers).

Does Paying Flood Victims to Get Cars That Explode When Wet Make Sense?

Following the recent flooding throughout Vermont this summer, the state very proudly touted a response program that offers victims who lost or suffered damage to their cars the opportunity to replace them with an electric vehicle. Not an internal combustion engine vehicle, just an electric vehicle.

Rental cars used by Secret Service catch fire in nantucket

To the Special Commission Regarding Mandating Electric Vehicles (EV’s) In Maine.

First, let me say that this is not a decision for an unelected body. This is a decision to be made by the citizens of the state of Maine in a state-wide referendum.

Auto collission accident headlight Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash

The Bad News for Electric Vehicle Owners Keeps Getting Worse

We have the Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Protection Bureau, Consumer Product Safety Commission,, and even state-level agencies, claiming an interest in consumer protections, but no one is investigating the hidden costs of owning an electric vehicle (EV).

Car hood Ferrari Photo by Daniel Minárik

The Future of Cars in New Hampshire: What You Need to Know

If you were born and raised in New Hampshire, you might have seen decades of cars pass through the state, and you might be aware of the trends that have always been evident in the state. Then, if you want to know more about the future of cars in New Hampshire and how you can … Read more