Obama’s Intercontinental Gaffe

Smartest President Ever.

Obama stands in front of a bridge that needs no work and is not even in line for a repair.  So it makes sense that he is campaigning for infrastructure projects and sowing fear about at risk bridges.   He want’s to spend another half trillion on…nothing.  Why else pick a bridge that will not need or see a dime and talk about how you plan to spend money on it.

Oh, and wile he was there, he reminded us that America built the Intercontinental railroad. 

I’m not sure which continents it connects but I bet Joe Biden is very excited. Maybe it leads to EuroDisney Joe!

And before you leftists try to write this off like all the other gaffes, just imagine Sarah Palin had said it and then write the first thing that comes to mind.  Now replace Palin’s name with Obama and see how it reads.  Cathartic?


And before you leftists try to write this off like all the other gaffes, just imagine Sarah Palin had said it and then write the first thing that comes to mind. Now replace Palin’s name with Obama and see how it reads.

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