On June 13, 2021, the Rochester Regional Republican Committee hosted the “Horseshoes & Heroes” veteran fundraising event at Hills Horseshoes in Farmington, NH.
School District Ignores Anti-Bullying Law in Favor of ‘Restorative Justice’ Voodoo
We don’t need no stinking anti-bullying rules; we’ve got restorative justice! Is that what’s happening at SAU 16s Lincoln Street School? Check out the link: Restorative Justice – Lincoln Street School (sau16.org)
Portsmouth Assistant Mayor Jim Splaine Suggests the City Violate the Law Prohibiting Vaccine Mandates
Just one week after our new medical freedom act was signed into law, Portsmouth Assistant Mayor Jim Splaine sent an email to the City Manager urging a mandate of the COVID-19 vaccine for all city employees.
School District Claims Its CRT Programs Not Against the Law Then Hides Them From the Public
We’ll have more on this as we dig in, but there’s never a bad time to catch a local school district, especially brand-them-at-the-prom Exeter (SAU16), doing naughty things. They’ve hidden both their CRT (DEI-J) web page and all the training material from public view.
Psychological Warfare Aimed at Children in Hampton
Critical Race Theory is all the rage in public education today. Most parents have not done extensive research to be able to identify CRT and may not know the psychological damage it is having on some children.
Something Fishy Is Going On in SAU16/Exeter Again
Dr. Kristen Johnson has been advising the school district on all things COVID. Dr. Johnson works for Core Physicians in Exeter, and also received the Citizen of the Year from the Portsmouth Herald for her work as the consulting physician for SAU16.
The Exeter School District’s (SAU16) BLM Bedfellows…
The Exeter School District (SAU16) has had a series of PR nightmares but never let that slow your progressive roll. They’ve doubled down. The district nationally known for “branding” and shaming unvaccinated prom students continues to spite parents and families.
Why Are So Many Parents Angry in New Hampshire?
Why are so many parents angry in New Hampshire? School closings, mask mandates, Critical Race Theory, and other issues, are boiling over, and parents are fed up. They want their kids to be educated in a safe environment, without political agendas and bias.
CRT-Addled School District Hires “Diversity Director” for $95K/Year Plus “Generous” Benefits
A new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Director (DEIJ) was hired in SAU16 in Exeter, New Hampshire, at a lucrative salary. His background is in community organizing. Let’s take a look at his background and what he will do to help students. (or not help them).
Setting the Record Straight on the SAU16 (Exeter) School Board Meetings in June
On June 14, 2021, The SAU16 Joint School Board, along with Superintendent, Dr. David Ryan, held their first “in-person” meeting in over a year. The following night, The Exeter Regional Cooperative School Board (with Dr. Ryan), then held their first “in-person” meeting in over a year.
Tuesday June 15 SAU16 School Board Meeting Was Not A Knockout Punch, But it Was Still A TKO
Yes, I know it was frustrating because it wasn’t as decisive a victory as the Monday, June 14 meeting, but take heart: it was still a TKO. The board limited who was “allowed” to speak, how long they could speak and managed to get a few genuflecting minions up at the mic.
SAU 16 Administration and School Boards in Action
Back-to-back SAU 16 Joint Board and Co-operative school Board meetings are in the can. What was accomplished? At the Joint Board meeting June 14, 2021, the cafeteria was where parents, grandparents and citizens assembled to voice their concerns.
SAU16/Exeter: A Culture of Discrimination, Intimidation and Civil Rights Violations
After attending both school board meetings in SAU16 this week, one thing is obvious; there is a toxic culture within the walls of this school district. A culture that needs change immediately.
Superintendent Ryan Must Be Removed From Office.
If you attended either school board meeting in Exeter Monday or Tuesday, this would be crystal clear. It is US vs THEM. No, I’m not talking Republican vs Democrat or even conservative vs liberal.
Wednesday Overnight Thread – Adults Take Over Monday Night’s SAU16 School Board Meeting Edition
In case you missed it, the adults in the room took over Monday night’s SAU16 school board meeting at Exeter High School. Below is a link to the video. Warning: it’s about 3 hours long. However, if you are a regular Granite Grok reader, this is the Wagyu beef and Russian caviar of school board meetings, so take your time and digest it slowly.
More Snake Oil Coming Out of (SAU16) Exeter
A third-party firm called “2Revolutions” is now in SAU 16, and someone needs to provide the public with the “cost” to taxpayers. When I filed a Right to Know Request to determine the cost, I was provided a sum of $16,000.00. That figure may have changed since that request was sent.
SAU16 – Alleged Sexual Misconduct Allegations Surface at Exeter Public Schools
There is nothing more disturbing than when someone reveals that they’ve been sexually assaulted by a teacher. Someone that parents would like to be able to trust. But that’s what has happened in SAU16 according to documents that I will share in this post.
Sign the Petition: We Have Lost Confidence in Dr. David Ryan (SAU16 Superintendent) and the School Board
A petition has arisen in the wake of the train wreck that is the Exeter Schools System (SAU16), in New Hampshire. The premise is simple. The path that the district has charted is dangerous and unacceptable.
Unvaccinated Students at High School Prom “Numbered” with a Sharpie – Tracked All Night
Recently a School Board Member and State Representative from Brentwood posted a disturbing message on social media about students who attended the Prom in Exeter (SAU16).