The Exeter School District’s (SAU16) BLM Bedfellows…

The Exeter School District (SAU16) has had a series of PR nightmares but never let that slow your progressive roll. They’ve doubled down. The district nationally known for “branding” and shaming unvaccinated prom students continues to spite parents and families.

Do you remember Andres Mejia? He’s the new SAU16 diversity director they hired for more than the teachers earn (and with better benefits).  Another empty-suit admin job that has nothing to do with teaching kids. It turns out he sits on the board of Seacoast BLM. A local franchise of the Marxist defund the police, pro-crime, anti-family organization.

He is also the program manager of NH Listens at The Carsey School of Public Policy at UNH. NH Listens uses the Delphi technique and is an epicenter of bad cultural and political policy in the granite state.

Related: School District is Using Your Tax Dollars to Turn Students into Racists

Mejia is not alone. Yoyin Augustus is the SAU16 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI-J) “Team” facilitator (check the DEI-J Tab). She provides training to district staff. She also sits on the board of the defund the police, pro-crime anti-family Seacoast BLM.

Wait, there’s more!

Another board member of Seacoast BLM, Tanisha Johnson, sits on the board of The Racial Unity Team along with SAU 16 Superintendent, “Dr.” Ryan. This organization “recommends” curriculum for teachers on this website and lots more to investigate.

The Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce, of which “Dr.” Ryan is a board member, supports the Racial Unity Team.

Tanisha Johnson of Seacoast BLM was also the interim director of Seacoast YMCA. The current director (CEO) is Kimberly Meyer, who also sits on the SAU 16 School Board. Meyer has been accused of voting to keep schools closed while funneling students to the YMCA.

Tanisha Johnson also sits on the Exeter Police Stakeholders Committee who had “Dr.” Ryan send out a survey about the Exeter police to all SAU 16 families on February 13, 2021. If you go on the Seacoast BLM site, you will see all of their list of demands for the police, elected officials, district attorneys, and more.

And there is more. And we’ll be sharing more. But for now, the taxpayer-funded school district appears fully invested in a cultural progressivism that embraces race-shaming, compelled speech, single-moms, and father-less children lead by far-left educators and radical social engineers who earn more than teachers.


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