Back-to-back SAU 16 Joint Board and Co-operative school Board meetings are in the can. What was accomplished? At the Joint Board meeting June 14, 2021, the cafeteria was where parents, grandparents and citizens assembled to voice their concerns.
Ostracism of unvaccinated children at the Exeter Senior Prom, the reprehensible violation of a child’s Constitutional Right to free speech by an un-named Co-operative Middle School teacher for wearing a Blue Lives Matter flag shirt, and the fraudulent Critical Race Theory being taught as essential to SAU 16 core curriculum were ‘discussed’.
The evening started with a farcical slide show promoting “Diversity Equity, Inclusion, and Justice…” meant to “…inspire students and staff and make life better…”. The presentation backfired reinforcing parents’ resolve to counteract the Marxist confiscation of the SAU 16 School District.
We want to thank Jim Berlo & Jim Johnson for this Contribution. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to
Taxpayers financing this indoctrination of our children is repugnant. Board members and administrators conspiring as one took no interest in what was being said. Social Engineering has already begun, and we are irrelevant. No matter the subjects aired, the same dismissive silence was assigned to us ‘whackos’ getting ‘a platform to spread propaganda.’
Fast forward to the Co-operative School Board meeting June 15, 2021. The same dismissive silence was dispensed to “a group of people who do not share” their “views.”
These quotes we reference are from…a recently hired SAU16 Principal from Arizona who revealed her disdain for ‘We the People’ with this from her email, “I’m sick of us giving these whackos a platform to spread propaganda without making any correction statements.” Credit Kara Zupkus and Brandon Morse at Young America’s Foundation.
From the Exeter Newsletter article, “In response to the backlash his new principal is facing, SAU16 Superintendent said Neve notified him about the public uproar created in conservative circles following the publication of Zupkus’ YAF story and to apologize for her lapse in judgement.”
Superintendent David Ryan “the written comments from Ms. Neve to a colleague about a group of people who do not share her views on supporting diversity, inclusion, and justice were a mistake, and Ms. Neve has apologized for writing them’.
Does ‘them’ imply more damaging emails exist? From YAF, “Neve then began looking into ways to silence ‘pushy voices’ with Jennifer Mundy who helped create the new race-based curriculum for the students”.
Ms. Neve’s disdain for “whackos” (parents, grandparents, and taxpayers) has been exposed. The entire SAU16 District has been exposed now as well. Constitutional violations perpetrated against children is an outrage and the constituents bemoaning the absence of dignity and trust look no farther than the SAU16 boards, Superintendent Ryan and his administration. They are utter failures.
The title and accompanying picture may garner a few chuckles, but it is an apt portrayal of the SAU 16 School District ideology.