At the “Learning about DIE-J” [Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Justice] forum in Exeter last week, just after the audience was warned that the police were standing by for anyone shouting for sanity, the Tsunami’s propaganda wave suddenly struck.
How About A Meeting in SAU16 on Physics and Calculus?
The DEIJ meeting, aka the dog and pony show, showed the community where this district is now focused. HINT: it’s not on academics.
SAU16 and Seacoast BLM: Could This Be Any More Obvious?
There was a good showing at the very first DEIJ public training session on August 19th. Oh, wait: it’s DEI-J. Do I get a timeout for that? Anyhoo…
RSA91:A Right To Know – Brentwood School Board: Free Speech is Verboten? Why??
To the Chair and Members of the Brentwood School Board (SAU16): Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am requesting public access, within 5 business days, to the governmental records reasonably described as follows:
“NH Listens” Moderator ‘Threatens’ Attendees of SAU16 DEI-J Meeting
E Michelle Holt-Shannon, Director of NH Listens at The Carsey School of Public Policy at UNH, and moderator of last night’s SAU16 DEI-J spectacle opened the meeting by threatening the attendees.
It’s Official: SAU16 Will Remain a Bitterly Divided Community
Tonight’s presentation on Critical Race Theory presented by Superintendent David Ryan, and other staff members, showed us all one thing, the community is divided, and under his leadership, it will remain divided.
What is The SAU16/Exeter Superintendent Hiding?
A few years ago, I filed a Right to Know Request seeking information from SAU16. At that time, it was revealed that the district did not comply with parental consent laws when they administered the mental health assessment (DESSA).
Come And See the “Dog and Pony” Show at SAU16 on August 19th
SAU16/Exeter parents are stepping up the pressure on school administrators and board members over their Critical Race Theory agenda.
SAU 16: Superintendent From Hell, Is Still Telling Parents What To Do!
David Ryan is the self-described “Doctor” and Super(awful)intendent of the occupied district formerly known as SAU 16. Pour yourselves a large serving of your adult beverage of choice and check out his latest proclamation:
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy is Rational
Nearly every time you open a newspaper, visit YouTube or even just open your phone, you are likely to be confronted with an article admonishing the “vaccine-hesitant” to get vaccinated.
George Carlin was Right! – SAU 16, The School Funding Study, and Partisan Politics Edition
In 2019, the NH General Court approved the creation and implementation of a School Funding Study and gave it a budget of $500,000. I won’t get into the particulars of the final report at this time, but I will say that the $500 grand would have been better spent on one of the underfunded communities discussed in the final report.
SAU 16 Teacher Who Sits On Racial Unity’s Board Facilitated “Anti-Racist” Training…
It was recently revealed that The Lincoln Street Elementary School in Exeter has implemented a Restorative Justice initiative and that one of their teachers, Mariam Levy just happens to own a business called “Circling Towards Justice.”
Does Your Public School See Parents as a Threat or a Weakness?
After scanning through the file from the SAU16 DEIJ brainstorming session, I have to ask, are parents now a threat or a weakness to their children? Under families in the screenshot below, there are two categories you fit in as a parent in SAU16.
Sau16/Exeter: Keep Your Kids Out of Our Schools! That Was the Message Last School Year
SAU16/Exeter used to be one of the top districts in the state. People moved to the district so their kids could attend a school district with an excellent reputation.
Looking for accountability in SAU16
Kimberly Meyer, School Board Member in SAU16 went on a rant at a recent school board meeting, the only problem was, she ranted against the wrong people. In this video Meyer went on a long rant about the parents in her district, including one who is serving on the school board with her, Melissa Litchfield. … Read more
SAU 16 Branding Scandal “Investigation” Blames Volunteers for Violating Students Civil Rights
It’s hard to believe, Superintendent David Ryan failed to oversee final preparations for protecting prom attendees from Covid. He is, after all, the Exeter High School superintendent responsible for the actions of his subordinates.
SAU 16 Audited The Prom Vaccine Branding Scandal – Here is Their Summary of Their Investigation
Process Audit Summary Contact Tracing Protocol for the 2021 Exeter High school Prom: The Exeter High School senior prom took place on June 4,202 at Exeter High School.
Victory: Exeter School Board Votes to Make Masks Optional This Fall
Tonight was the third school board meeting where parents gathered to exercise their parental rights. Tonight the SAU16 COOP School board voted to make masks optional when the children head back to school.
To the Superintendent: You Do Not Double Down and Insult the Parents Who Are Upset
A parent in SAU16 commented on the email sent by David Ryan (below), Superintendent of SAU16/Exeter. She indicated that he is playing the victim in this email he sent to the SAU16 community –