If you attended either school board meeting in Exeter Monday or Tuesday, this would be crystal clear. It is US vs THEM. No, I’m not talking Republican vs Democrat or even conservative vs liberal.
There are RINOs I can’t tolerate and Democrats I can (on a few specific issues). Hell, a Democrat Rep supported the Vaccine Passport Ban while 18 RINO’s voted it down.
No, the “US,” are Americans of every race, creed, and color that love this country and are willing to make whatever sacrifice necessary to protect it.
We want to thank Michael Bean for this Contribution. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.
“THEM” are those that do not love this country enough to sacrifice their societal status, “woke” image, or be willing to be “canceled” for standing up for America. This includes all but two courageous school board members willing to publicly denounce Critical Race Theory (CRT).
Related: Adults Take Over Monday Night’s SAU16 School Board Meeting Edition
Not all of THEM are Marxists. Many are followers that have been indoctrinated over the past fifty or so years with variations of the current CRT ideology and believe their progressive woke masters are correct. This group might someday see the light.
The educated, activist, Marxists developing curricula and strategies to bring this into society disguised and hidden as education and learning are THEM.
THEM realize the upper hand their positions of power hold over students and teachers and even School Board Members.
Children would willingly argue, fight with, or ignore their parents much more readily than risk being shamed, ridiculed, or punished at school. Teachers and Administrators understand this incredible power of peer pressure and know how to use it and abuse it.
The Prom branding incident is stark evidence of shaming in motion, elevating Peer Pressure to the max.
Wear a mask even after all mandates were lifted, or be ostracized.
Fear and obedience are how children are indoctrinated. Education is not formulating an opinion based on skin color, religion, or any other superficial characteristic.
Educating students to think for themselves, to challenge ideas when they do not understand or agree, and formulate their own opinions from a variety of sources and experiences must prevail.
Superintendent Ryan KNOWS this better than anyone. When the parents have been heard and eventually go away, things will settle down and the CRT mission can carry on.
A recent controversial hire of CMS Principal, Tonja Neve, accentuates Ryan’s expansion of the SAU16 CRT agenda.
What would Martin Luther King Jr say about this CRT narrative?
Ryan realizes the influence he and his educational empire have on today and tomorrow. He recognizes the hold he has on the SAU 16 School Board that was chartered with oversight responsibility for his actions. To date, he’s not been held accountable. Just maybe, this is the pandemic cloud “silver lining.” Parents and citizens are quickly becoming fully aware of what’s been happening under the radar at our public schools.
Therefore, there remains only one acceptable outcome from the multiple current fiascos at Exeter SAU 16. Superintendent Ryan must be removed from office. He must be replaced with an administrator profoundly more competent in creating an atmosphere of education, opposed to any form of indoctrination, and must understand the difference. Then and only then, will the children of SAU 16 be afforded a fair opportunity to learn and grow?
Michael Bean
June 16, 2021