Never Stop Applauding … Or Else!

by Op-Ed

It’s appropriate that the 28th annual meeting of the United Nations Climate Summit is called the “Conference of Parties.” Each year, they have a party destroying the liberty of the American people.

Most Americans remain ignorant that the U.S. delegates are among the cheerleaders clapping for the tyranny of the global domination goals to regiment the whole world with environmental controls.

President Biden immediately reversed the Trump Administration policies that slowed this process down. For at least 28 years, the globalist left has consistently put America at the forefront of promoting audacious controls. Do you realize that this past December, throughout COP28, in Dubai, UAE, the U.S. and Western governments pledged suicidal energy policies? All the communists, socialists, and Islamic nations celebrate how naive American delegates are at this Conference of Parties. This action to make America first will economically destroy us.

This action reminds me of a similar scenario going on in the 1937 Soviet Union. Standing in the crowd after listening to an impassioned speech praising Joe Stalin by his deputy, Alexander Solzhenitsyn stood among the fear and terror written on each man’s face, clapping long and loud for one of history’s most prolific and evil mass murderers. Fake enthusiasm, intimidated souls mimicking one another, fearing not to stop. Eleven dreadful long minutes passed. Finally, the director of the paper factory boldly sat down, and all the rest followed, ending the applause. That night, this man was arrested and, after interrogation, given ten years in prison. Their final warning to him: “Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding.” In today’s America, it is concerning that the Democratic left and RINOs do not fake their enthusiasm for these liberty-destroying policies. They never stop applauding.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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It is obvious that the goal of President Biden’s policies is not to put America’s interest first. He signed unconstitutional Executive Orders to destroy the energy independence achieved under President Trump. Alex Newman’s TNA 1/29/24 article points out how our delegation to the COP28 Climate Summit puts America last: “Ironically, those coal-fired plants being built across China are powering the very factories producing the economical and environmentally devastating solar panels and windmills subsidized by struggling Western taxpayers — systems that will end up imposing even higher costs on American consumers.” What Hypocrisy? Communist, socialist, and Islamic regimes make oil deals at the UN Climate Summit to phase out fossil fuels, but America must be first!

The New American asks Senators Lisa Murkowski (R – Alaska) and Tom Carper (D-Del) a similar question, “Why does the U.S. government commit economic suicide to “save the climate” even as the regime ruling Communist China keeps building coal-fired power plants at an unprecedented rate?” Of the few answers given, they: “… simply insisted that Beijing should follow suit after the United States jumps off the cliff into economic oblivion.”

Something is terribly wrong when our government, elected by “we the people,” pledges its loyalties to the UNCOP28 plans without the permission of Congress. The silent majority must wake up and speak out when Congress ignores American interests. Contact state and federal representation — Senators and Representatives – with phone calls, emails, and snail mail — to warn them to stop representing the UN’s Agenda 2130 and COP28 pledges. Check out the facts at the Voice of Freedom:


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