Kamala Harris

Here’s What Four Years Of Kamala Harris Would Cost

If Americans thought that the Biden administration was the most far-left, big-government, elite Democratic administration that America has ever seen, they are in for a rude awakening. As the Left has effectively silenced the voices of 14 million voters by deposing President Joe Biden from the party ticket, they have paved the way for Vice President Kamala … Read more

Trump Has Some Hilarious Nickname Options For Tim Walz

In the past, we’ve gotten gems like Sleepy Joe, Crooked Hillary and Meatball Ron. Even Kamala Harris — Laffin’ Kamala or Kamabla — has a few options to choose from. But her running mate, Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, has yet to be blessed with a signature Donald Trump nickname. Perhaps Trump is weighing his … Read more

Harris/Walz Surrogate Schools America In The Art Of Lying

Harris/Walz campaign surrogate Representative Jason Crow (D-CO) showed on Sunday morning with Shannon Bream just how much and well they can lie to defend both members of the ticket for president of the United States. This is the first time I have seen or heard Crow, but after listening to his rhetoric for fifteen minutes, … Read more

Kamala Owns The Border Mess

Harris is gaslighting the American people to believe she has no responsibility for the policies of the failed Biden/Harris Administration, and the media is allowing her to pull off this ruse. It is becoming very clear that the coup of Joe Biden and the elevation of Harris to presidential candidate was an orchestrated effort by … Read more

DEI Meet MEI: Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence

While Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies are nowhere near gasping their last destructive breath, recent shifts in corporate appreciation for them have waned significantly. Stockholders and stakeholders spurred more than a few publicly held companies to rediscover the benefits of eliminating unproductive labor costs—of which DEI policies and those hired to enforce them are not … Read more

Kamala’s Campaign Up Against the Walz

If choosing Tim Walz as her VP is a sign of the quality of executive decisions to come from whoever will be running the Harris administration), America is in a lot of trouble. But then, why would things be any different? Poorly vetted, rushed through the process, and ta-da! Sh!tshow. Walz is one of the … Read more

Books You Are Not Supposed To Read

This list I have compiled isn’t in any particular order, except for the last book. It is just a handful of many books that may reinforce, challenge, and/or change the readers’ worldview. All of them are either in print and/or available on Amazon except one, which has been banned by Amazon but is available from … Read more

Sandy’s ‘Squad’ Loses Another “Appendage”

While the Democrat party continues its long, not-so-slow march to the Left, the not-so-rank and file are not so sure they like where the party is going. Two months ago, Democrat primary voters handed squadster Jamaal ‘False Alarm’ Bowman his walking papers and replaced him with a more moderate white guy who likes Israel (Jamaal … Read more


DEI Promotes Corruption, Injustice, & Criminal Activity

The Father of the Constitution, James Madison’s prophetic wisdom must be restored: “What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men, over men,  the great difficulty lies in this: you must … Read more

I Now Understand Harris’ VP Pick

I always find it interesting to see who a Presidential candidate chooses to complete their ticket. The person chosen usually brings some electorate benefit, and there have been some fascinating choices for Vice President in my lifetime. The two mates do not always have to get along, as JFK chose LBJ in 1960. Kennedy was … Read more

What JD Vance Said to Reporters Waiting on Kamala …

It appears as if the anointed Harris hasn’t done any major interviews recently, nor is she taking questions from reporters. It’s all very 2008 Barry O. Just check out his pre-recorded explanation in the video on his website. And they did. Obama got better off script, something I don’t think Harris is capable of, so … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok! Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  *** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes … Read more

Bananas:  This is so…

The masters of political evolution have advanced the game of thrones for the presidency yet again by warning all those considering voting for Donald Trumplestilskins and his VP nominee Jayzee “Jazzy” Vance, to be very, very careful because….the two married heterosexual white men are…just plain weird. Of course, the highly funded priests and priestesses in … Read more

Karine Jean Pierre official photo

Word Of The Day With KJP

It Has finally happened. KJP is now the mini version of Kamala Harris. Rather than raising the bar and doing a better job for the American people, Karine has adopted the Kamala Harris Word-Salad Method of Communication, which involves using as many words as possible while saying nothing. It also means picking a keyword for … Read more


The ACLU vs. The Constitution (Again!)

Once upon a time, the American Civil Liberties Union claimed to defend the US Constitution. These days, with a few rare exceptions where they accidentally defend it, they represent legal challenges to undermine it. Today’s example is viewed by many as a trap meant to create a discrimination lawsuit with the hope of establishing a … Read more

Kamala’s Press Chief Tried To Censor Me

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is not missing any chance to condemn Republicans for threatening to censor libraries and school textbooks. But she is overlooking the heavy-handed record of her chief spokesperson, Brian Fallon. Unfortunately, a recent Supreme Court decision opens the floodgates for far more federal censorship. When Fallon was press chief at the … Read more

Do Cows or Cars Hurt the Planet More?

The slander of cows for their existential threat to humanity has focused on methane emissions, which allegedly warm the planet unsustainably. This dubious claim is premised on the sketchy logic that methane production negates any beneficial bovine ecological impacts (especially of urine and manure) and ignores the effects on the environment and food system if … Read more

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