The shift in focus from Biden to Harris is nothing short of epic, and there’s no reason not to keep the brightest possible light shining on that dim bulb. But I heard something the other day, and I apologize for failing to recall the source. No one cares about the past. I’m paraphrasing. Yes, history matters, but people are more interested in how lousy today is and how tomorrow could be better. Not so much Janet Jackson’s “What have you done for me lately?” Or, Kamala’s “What can be – unburdened by what has been?” They are looking for hope with traction. Right now, their ends don’t meet, crime is high, and they can’t afford food or housing. Maybe they need a job, the economy is lousy, and in many places, it’s no longer safe to go out at night (or in the daylight).
Some of these people are looking to the government to do something. That thing might be a handout, but for a majority of voting Americans, it is a path increasingly cleared of obstacles placed before them by the state. Can we be unburdened from past government interference? I can do this if you just let me. Get out of my way. Almost no one on the political left is going to do that and far too many who self-proclaim to be on the right won’t either. They are convinced you are incapable of self-government, self-control, or self-management – but always doing what they want, not what you want. More than a few would burn the country to the ground to make sure they get their way. Some of them are certain that it is the only path to get there from here.
The middle class wants stability, predictability, basic safety, running water, lights that turn on when they flick the switch, roads, and bridges, toilets that take the waste away when you flush them, cops who look for criminals, not create them, and a bit of privacy. They don’t mind working and are willing to pay some taxes for some of these things. They get that not everyone is the same or equally capable, and that’s no one’s fault. They like people who agree with them but get that not everyone does. Most of them will accommodate a gender-dysphoric coworker, but no one wants their speech compelled. If attacked or accused, they want to be able to defend themselves and a system that isn’t rigged against them.
When things are not going well, they want to know what can be done to improve them. Housing and the economy are the top two issues across almost every demographic. Illegal immigration and crime are not far behind and higher in some places like big cities. Drugs and overdose deaths continue to plague every corner of America. What’s the plan?
And while American Presidents have too much power, they can only do so much. Closing the border can stop the third world from emptying its prisons into America, and more than a few of those who found their way in, regardless of intentions, need to go back. Almost everything else can be accomplished by getting the Federal Government to take its boot off everyone else’s neck. Stop spending money our great-grandchildren have yet to earn. Pay Americans to dig up our own coal, drill our oil, and frack our gas instead of foreign nations. Make peace through strength, not through debt. Stop hiring bureaucrats and calling it job growth. Take your state’s back or keep them from falling to the party of (d)eath and (d)estruction.
America can be saved, but it needs to be unburdened from Democratic rule. That starts with putting the wreckage of the Biden-Harris administration and everyone in it in the rearview mirror and keeping them there. Whether we have the capability to overcome that obstacle remains to be seen, but a future out from under their boot is a bright one, even if it is ugly at first, which seems inevitable. A violent ripping off the band-aid so we can see what’s underneath and begin true healing as a nation.