DEI Promotes Corruption, Injustice, & Criminal Activity


The Father of the Constitution, James Madison’s prophetic wisdom must be restored: “What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men, over men,  the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed and, in the next place, oblige it to control itself.” Since government is downstream from culture, let us state the obvious source that creates a good culture: churches and synagogues impact the culture with the goodness of God the Creator: His righteousness and Justice from the Ten Commandments.

I was shocked, Hollywood normally purveyors of demonic destructive behavior, recently God’s shining light pierced the darkness through rerun TV. Texas Rangers, always standing against evildoers for law, order, and justice with supernatural feats, were helped to win victory over criminals. “Divine Intervention” came to the rescue through a brave little girl winning the battle for the “good guys who always win with Karate,” This was decades ago when hiding Hollywood’s dominant Marxist themes of police brutality and defunding the police were mostly unknown.  

We want to thank Russ Payne for the Content. Send yours to

Picture a Gang of thugs striking continuous fear into the lives of responsible folks:  black, Hispanic, and white families. Naturally, the integrity, honesty, and proficiency of Texas Rangers in those times was a true representation of a high percentage of all law enforcement. As they stand with courageous, fearful moms and dads and children, almost nose to nose, opposing dozens of gang members intent upon violence, all of a sudden, a little black eleven-year-old girl drops to her knees right between these two sides of good vs evil. It was the power of God’s Words of the 23rd Psalm she prayed, overcoming rage, hate, and fear with God’s love. The cowardice of evil backed down, “The good guys win again.” How’s that for pioneering “diversity, equality and inclusion” to challenge the leftwing promoting injustice, corruption, and criminal activity through DEI ?” 

Imagine the following day, a scene of celebration, a Church Choir singing, “This is The Day That The Lord Has Made. Picture while God’s love fills the air.” Suddenly, the same gang marches with hate on the crowd. Again, The Rangers stand with the parents: Chuck Norris did not have to use his Karate. Again, God’s agent of peace, the little girl, stepped in the middle of the conflict and offered a hand of peace to the gang leader. All of a sudden, the hateful expression calmed when God’s love was expressed with the words, “Come join us.” The Gang of Hate was defeated as the Choir sang Amazing Grace.

The American dream of wealth and power is unique because the freedom to “desire personal reward” exists in no other nation. But this incentive must take second place, our land must first be dominated with righteousness and justice to create incentive that only takes place when men are free. James Madison’s description of the necessity of: “a government controlling itself” will only result when an informed and virtuous citizenry votes them into power. It is impossible for a government to control the governed or itself without a moral foundation. Today, a large majority do not see the reflection in a mirror that tells them the truth, “apathy and indifference do not purchase liberty. But belief and submission to your divine Creator does. And the good guys will win again.


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