Meme Overflow

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And there will be a Friday Overflow-Overflow.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





From a Telegram contact:

German advertising billboard reads: “Future or climate killer?”

They’re encouraging the native to stop breeding and importing millions of third world men.

You still think it’s all a “conspiracy theory”?



More on the Great Replacement and migration in general:



About Sweden in particular:

Swedish rape crisis – INSANE court ruling! (



It was observed that this girl may also be an illegal.  That doesn’t mean she deserved to be raped or murdered.  MHO?  Execute this vermin by decapitation, then mount the skull on a pike at the border.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Until there’s a forest of skulls, gleaming in the sun blindingly, as a lesson to the next illegals what happens when you break our laws to come in.  And MHO again?  Add in the skulls of the government officials and NGO staffers that are aiding this.  And a personal request: Can I please please please be the one who “does” Barbara Spectre?



My reaction when I first heard her words here.  And my taking my fellow Jews to task on their pro-migration stance:

An Open Letter to Pro-Migration / SJW Jews – Urban Scoop

A little more about Spectre (bolding added):

If she’s a Leftist, then her work for multiculturalism won’t really be done as a Jew; but as a Leftist or Left-Liberal. Most Leftist Jews are not Jews in a religious sense or in a cultural sense. And, obviously, they aren’t pro-Israel either. Thus they are only Jewish by blood — just like Chomsky. And if blood doesn’t matter, as Leftists claim, then they have no right to speak for Jews, when they talk about Israel. They are contradicting their own anti-racism and their criticisms of other people’s focus on race or blood. Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein are no more or less Jewish than George Bush or Mike Tyson. Most Leftist/Marxist Jews have rejected — despite what the Nazis claim — just about every aspect of Jewish culture, religion, and history, as well as Israel.

IF she’s a Leftist?  I’ll bet every penny I have that she is.

And while this article is from 2019, the comments are spot-on: Jews helping to import people from anti-Semitic parts of the world.  Jewicidal Yidiots!


Immigration has to stop!









If Hawaii, which typically votes “D”, continues to do so – you get what you deserve IMHO.




Already writing The Potato out of the script, I see.  And this is an interesting take on the Dem future:

WaPo columnist: If Biden retires and Harris doesn’t get nominated, watch out – HotAir





So what to make of this shipping bottleneck?

Huge backlog of 200 ships are stuck trying to enter the Panama Canal as they wait WEEKS amid slowed traffic due to drought: Delays set to wipe $200M off profits and cause spike in US grocery and parcel prices | Daily Mail Online




Back in the 2007 time frame I was at a NH GOP event with Dr. Paul as one of the candidates, with him actually present.  Now let me state that from an ideological standpoint I like him a lot, though I do believe the capital-L Libertarian doctrine is more than a little naïve in terms of national defense, for one example.  But he failed to say even a single word of reproach to his enthusiastic fans who were loud & quite frankly quite boorish, interrupted other speakers, etc.  From that I came away as distinctly uninterested in him politically – can’t even control a small group who would have listened to him with rapt attention.






Are you to the Right of Stalin?  Understand that the Left views you as an enemy… and potentially soon, an enemy to be harassed and punished by the legal system.

MSNBC Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: “This is an indictment of the people who voted for Trump” – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

This is saying to you Americans “vote the way we tell you or face the consequences. If we can come after a former president this hardcore, we could come after you, and you stand no chance.”

The Trump Indictments Are Blunt Demonstrations Of Power (

This is about power — who has it, and who doesn’t. The people at the top are trying to tell you, the masses under them, that they can do whatever they want to you, at any time, and there’s nothing you can do to fight back. Just look what they’re doing to Trump, a former president. If they can do that to him, imagine what they can do to you.

Why do the words of JFK Jr. come to mind as the Left systematically thwarts millions of people from having a say?



Now understand, I am not advocating violent revolution.  I just fear that – more and more – it’s becoming inevitable.  The switch is getting close to being thrown…



And for no other reason than because we all wanted to be left alone, and they said no.


Elephant-DonkeyDebate leave me alone - notice


Actually, it’s not just being left alone.  They really do believe themselves to be on a higher level, made from “finer clay”, and thus entitled to tell us what to do.



Remember how easily the sheeple turned on you because you didn’t wear a face diaper or refused an experimental gene therapy.  They’ll do the same once you are tarred with “MAGA”.
















And we STILL don’t have the manifesto from the Nashville shooter made public.




Sorry if this is a bit of an “eye chart” – I’ve got it as big as it gets.



Well played, that last one!




Covid, Jab, etc.:


Requirement to wear masks in hospitals may have had little impact on COVID-19 transmission during omicron wave (

Don’t forget the 2 boys (Gill et al.) who were found dead in their beds, 3 & 4 days after receiving 2nd dose of Pfizer’s mRNA technology COVID vaccine; “Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in 2 (

The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse?  ⋆ Brownstone Institute




Why so hard to resist?  Dopamine and the pleasure hits you get when you comply.

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 3) – Urban Scoop







On this last one, also a video:



With the text from the Telegram channel where I got this saying (bolding added):

The promotion of the new 793 variant of CONvid is gaining momentum across the planet. The number of publications on this topic has been growing exponentially in recent days. Information appears on the network that new lockdowns and other “sanitary measures” are waiting for Europe in mid-September. The population of the planet will again try to intimidate with a runny nose so that it agrees to put on muzzles again and stay at home. And when we remember that in less than a week (August 25) the law on disinformation on the Internet comes into force in the EU, which will oblige the media, social networks and platforms with video content to remove all publications that contradict the main narrative, we can conclude that we are waiting for a new rich round of intimidation and propaganda. As the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed.

On that last… another Telegram contact told me that a bitchute channel they regularly follow – they’re in Europe – is now blocked.  Only by VPN setting to the US can they see it.

So, basically, prepare to be bombarded endlessly about the need for more Jabs, and masks, and lockdowns… and depending where you live, anything you post to the contrary will be removed by force of law.  And now, consider one variant’s name:



They NEED chaos to hit, and hard – whether a virus, war, economy, etc.  For only then – desperate and starving – will these words be prophetic:


dostoevsky grand inquisitor

(Link to AZQuotes per their policy.)



Don’t just have another Jab.  Get two for good measure.  And eat a choline-rich diet for at least a month before you do.  Better: take choline supplements too.




Plopping Jews





The Coming Tyranny / Great Reset (Broad) – links and memes




UK government’s nefarious chemtrail programme EXPOSED – The Expose (

How to Prep for a Cyberattack (


Avoiding a cashless society



I make it a point to pay cash whenever possible.  The only time I use my card is when I don’t plan well and run out.  Speaking of CBDCs:

The Brazilian Central Bank Goes LIVE with a CBDC (



“It’s absolutely catastrophic. Nobody ever voted for this. People are not allowed to use their cars outside of their 15 minute ‘zone’ more than 100 times per year. The idea is essentially to stop you travelling wherever you want.”

Red Meat Allergies from Tick Bites Are on the Rise (

How… convenient.  Do not doubt me on this: maggot burgers, cricket chips, and sustainable algae cakes – not to mention their 3D-printed lab-grown tumor meat – will not be affected by this new “allergy”.





“Climate Change” – links and memes



Note the date.  Don’t forget the CNN guy caught on secret camera saying that “climate” would be the next scare.  And now…





This one is important.  It shows how measurements are differing from models.  And I remember – but alas didn’t save – a NASA scientist saying that the data needed to be tweaked to make it comport better with the models.

No.  No no no no no.  That’s not how science works.  Observations trump models.  Period.

Also note the start date.  The earth was noticeably cooling from the 1930s (very high points in the data) to the mid-1970’s.  So they’re starting the graph precisely when the decline in temperatures turned around and started up again.















Pick of the post:


Many good ones this entry, but this is the winner IMHO.



They never think it will come for them.  Until it does.  This happens time after time after time in history.




Larry Elder SCHOOLS Woke Liberals | Larry Elder



And another by him (link only):

Debunking The ‘Trump is a Racist’ Myth | Larry Elder – YouTube




Palate cleansers:



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