
They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  Take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and almost certainly a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Overflow-Overflow.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***








In honor of Israel’s 75th birthday… let’s not forget what Israel’s up against.  But then, that’s Islam.

The Greatest Murder Machine in History – American Thinker

Another great resource for learning about Islam:

Political Islam – Islam & ideology about unbelievers, Kafirs

One thing in particular to note, vis a vis Israel but applicable more broadly.  Islam has a principle, unofficially “The Principle of Reconquest” – don’t know the precise name – that requires that any land, every square inch of land, that once was held by Islam to be retaken by Islam.  That the land of Israel is no longer in Islamic hands, but in JEWISH hands, is especially intolerable.

Anti-Semitism in the Quran

Islamic Jew-Hatred – Geller Report

You can’t make peace with someone who openly says they want you dead.


Debunking the Palestine Lie







Last weekend my kids went over to a neighbor’s and, upon coming home we did a tick check.  Found a “nice” healthy one on my daughter, which got flushed down to the septic tank.  Suck that, vermin.

Anyway, if you haven’t already seen them, they’re out.  Tick check your kids, your pets, even yourselves when you go out into / through woods.  Lyme disease is real and can get very bad… and is often ignored / glossed over:

19-Year-Old Confined to Wheelchair by Chronic Lyme Disease Sues Doctors, Hospitals for Medical Malpractice • Children’s Health Defense (

I read this in utter horror.  But then, we have a class of people – doctors – who, despite all the pap about wanting patients to be informed, involved, and inquisitive, don’t really like being challenged.  It’s the danger of knowledge and they are the new priesthood.

If you find an attached tick, photograph it in situ before removal; I understand most doctors have a way to have them tested.  And then if you see any rashes, etc., take pictures too.  Document any fevers not just in writing, but with pictures of the thermometer so you have a date/time stamp.  Document all interactions with medical staff, in particular if they’re dismissive.  If, Hashem forbid, you need to go to court, you’ll have a record to cite.





There’s another wrinkle to this.

The clear consequences to the idea that if white people – white people alone – are somehow eliminated, “calm will return to the world”… an idea that ignores all of human history… and if followed through to the logical conclusion of the conjecture that if the root cause of all the world’s ills is white people, it becomes a moral imperative to eliminate them.  While a utopian fantasy, people can still be gripped by such.



The original graphic’s sentiment is clearly a combination of Stages 4-6.  Remember, every genocide that has occurred has been because people believe there is a moral imperative to eliminating a particular bunch of people.  For the good of all, of course.  Thus, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Now, for the white nationalists who want to kill every non-white, or every Jew, etc.  Flip it.  Take your language against <group you despise> and flip it to be against white people.  Not so comfortable now, eh?  (The same applies in reverse: to all those wanting white genocide, put your own in-group into the same text and see how it tastes.)



Look, I appreciate that there are many people concerned about white genocide.  I am too.  It’s been a very rude awakening to me that there are surprising numbers of people who wish this, including – shockingly – a lot of Jews (who, of all peoples, should know better) who are using migration as a weapon disguised as a feel-good virtue signal, as an example.  I never, ever would have thought I’d be posting with hashtags of #whitelivesmatter #stopwhitegenocide or such.  Ever.  But I do.



My fundamental point is this: regardless of who you are, you cannot use eliminationist language against another group, and then expect that other group to not resent it and fight it… and, potentially, work to eliminate you back.



And, in that happening, the Globalists who want to answer the 7.3 billion person question laugh and cackle as we turn on each other.








I don’t know if this meme is factual.  The only reference I see to it is to some fascistbook posts, so… take it with a grain of salt.  The size of Mount Everest.  (Perhaps someone has more authoritative evidence?)  Regardless, for the sake of discussion let’s assume it’s true.



First, I can only imagine that, when discovered, quite a few wives found themselves on the wrong end of, well, something – be it blade, or blunt object, simple fists, etc.  But more to the point of the topic.  Go back up to the discussion of white genocide.  Or consider enforced Jabs, like this charmer:



The ability to rationalize bad behavior (e.g., poisoning your husband, even if mildly, to ensure loyalty) and cloak it in a noble cause is best put by Huxley:



Humans are flawed creatures.  In our zeal to change things for what we see as better is wrapped a caution to consider whether we’re really doing a bad thing.  A large part of this introspection is to flip things and roles; would we similarly be so enthusiastic were the roles reversed?




Inside the Darién Gap | AGENDA 2030 MASS MIGRATION PLAN EXPOSED | Muckraker Report



HT Irish

An invasion of millions.  Also see Michael Yon.







Read this request from the police, and the epic response.




Fenix deserves some business if you can.

USPSA IDPA 3-Gun Competition Ammo Novi Michigan USA – Fenix Ammunition (

In Judaism, there is a word… chutzpah.  The classical example is a child who kills their parents and then begs for mercy on the grounds they’re an orphan.  This comes close.  A police organization that dutifully obeyed illegal & immoral orders that, on their face, should have been responded to those Covid and other orders with:





But instead were obeyed.  Probably, in some most cases, with zeal (citing Huxley, above).



And now wants donations of ammunition to train at a swanky resort.

Chutzpah, indeed.










Better hope Elon, as the owner, has some kind of kill switch on her position.  Because if she is there, and does what some are fearing, and remains… then Elon will have definitively been shown to be not what we thought.








Pick of the post:



Happy one-day-after Mother’s Day.

I miss my mother.  And grandmother.




Monday Musical Memory (trial of a new Monday feature):


Scorpions – Send Me An Angel





Palate Cleansers:





    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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