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Your Tax Dollars At Work … The FBI Holds A Parade In Nashville

A public service announcement. The FBI … aka “Patriot Front” … recently (7/6) held a parade in downtown Nashville. Notice all the beer-bellies, the tattoos, the cross-section of ages … . OH WAIT! There is none of that. Could it be … a bunch of FBI agents, assets, etc., with six-packs and their faces covered to prevent identification?

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Wicked Witch Jeanne Shaheen

Is Senator Jeannie That Ignorant … Or Is It The Democrat-Youth Running Her X (Twitter)?

Senator Jeannie … or, perhaps, her “staff” … went on an X (Twitter) harangue about the January 6th “insurrection.” As part of the harangue, she misquoted Ben Franklin, substituting “democracy” for “republic” in the famous admonition, “a republic if you can keep it.” Of course, neither Jeannie nor her staff could even tell you what the difference between a democracy and a republic is, so they have no idea of their gaffe.

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Shut The Door On Your Way Out, And Take Mayorkas With You

FBI Director Wray has claimed that the biggest threat to America and Americans on our home soil is a terrorist attack possibly influenced by Hamas. Not Climate Change, not MAGA Republicans, not Radical Catholics, not even mentally deranged individuals buying their first AR-15. No, it is a terrorist attack on our soil.

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When Is an Election Not an Election?

There’s a lot of censorship of information about the corruption of America’s political system. The point is our system of government has been corrupted. If this assertion is true, we need to do something about it and do it now.

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So Now What’s The Excuse For Not Impeaching Biden?

Senator Chuck Grassley has released the 1023 of a trusted FBI source that confirms that Burisma paid millions in secret bribes to Hunter and Joe Biden. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy should initiate an impeachment IMMEDIATELY. In case you make the horrible mistake of relying on NH-NeverTrump Journal, WMUR and/or some other enemy-media for your “news”, … Read more

Soldiers helicopter

House GOP Grills Christopher Wray … YAWN

Christopher Wray is a shameless, arrogant LIAR. The FBI is the modern-day equivalent of the Stasi. Yet the House GOP is content to preen for the television cameras … “GOP grills FBI Director,” “Wray on the Hot Seat,” blah, blah, blah.

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Soldiers helicopter

The J21 Insurrection

Don’t try this if you have an “R” after your name. The Gestapo … oops! I mean the FBI … will arrest you and your family and friends, in a predawn raid carried live on CNN and MSNBC and replayed endlessly, while the Regime-media and the useful idiots pretending to be Rs, like former Attorney … Read more

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