Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple. Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch-can, and presented as is.  I make no guarantee of accuracy or complete coverage of the world.

Please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

For prep materials, please see:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok




Toxic Cost of Going Green | Unreported World





Top of the fold:

Aide who may be to blame for Joe Biden’s files fiasco ‘got the job through HUNTER’ | Daily Mail Online

If Hunter, who has blackmail material on him by multiple countries, had access to the car, he had access to the garage.  And the documents.



Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

Norway Pushes Ahead With Digital Currency, Ignoring Privacy Concerns

Cash will vanish, except for the black market.  Expect MASSIVE penalties for using cash, or bartering.  Looking broadly at the WEF-driven future:

Here’s What They’re Planning Now: 2023 World Economic Forum (

THE PLAN – WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030 (

Video, 31 minutes.

Pint-sized tiny house packs in plenty of home comforts (

This site has, at least weekly, a piece praising tiny houses.  Now, it’s got some interesting stuff, but they’re starry-eyed in this, and their mRNA write-ups.



Protecting Children:


Excellent group!

Disturbing Burberry Ad Campaign Doesn’t Showcase Products, Instead Shows LGBTQ Couples Making Out… Sparks Major Criticism on Social Media [VIDEO] (

Rating 9 out of 10 on my yick-o-meter.

Parents: Take Charge of Your Children’s Education – Intellectual Takeout

You cannot trust the good intentions of The System.

Children Submersed in Depravity at Texas Drag Show

Don’t click through with sensitive eyes around.  Wood chipper therapy.  Stat.  Not just the freak in question… but anyone involved in arranging the event.

WIN: Utah Bans Puberty Blockers, Hormones and Surgical Sex Change Procedures for Minors (




National Security (specifically):

US Monitoring Iranian Bid To Establish ‘Military Presence’ in Panama Canal (

The long view to encircle us.  Patience is a virtue, especially dealing with democracies where the focus only ends at the next election.

WH: Says It’s A “Non-Issue” That Biden Sold U.S. Strategic Oil Reserves To Communist China… | Weasel Zippers

How these people can say this with a straight face… related:

EMAIL BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden Offered to Sell Intelligence on Russia To Alcoa Inc. for $55,000 – Geller Report

NATO Calls the Shots

If a nation isn’t able to decide when and where to deploy its own military forces, it isn’t a sovereign nation anymore. This is why signing up for all of these supranational organizations was always short-sighted and foolish, as they intrinsically necessitate giving up sovereignty and democracy.

What was it Washington said about entangling alliances?  Now let’s be real: alliances are important, but as Lord Palmerston once said, Nations don’t have friends, they have interests.

US Air Force General Mike Minihan Predicts China War in 2025, Tells His Officers To Prepare – Geller Report

This never would have happened if the Democrat party of treaason hadn’t stolen the election and Trump were President. We are already at war, China will just finish it off.

Very much afraid China will finish US off… an EMP is certainly on their minds, and doing an EMP a month for a few months would rapidly eliminate anyone who had hunkered down through the first one.

Oh come on.  Not like they haven’t thought of that already.



On The Jab (and Covid)

Nothing found that I haven’t posted before, and I’m pressed for time.





Australia’s Cost of Living Crisis Worsens With Inflation Hitting a New ‘Unacceptable’ 32-Year High — Making Another Interest Rate Rise Within Weeks Almost a Certainty

Business and Banking Elites Call for Australians to Take an Even Bigger Pay Cut as Inflation Soars to Levels Unseen Since the Early 1990s

So, it’s global.


How Are People Surviving Hyperinflation In Turkey? (Boots On Ground Intel)




Money Magic





(HT here)




History class takes a holiday at The Washington Post – American Thinker

About Israel specifically, but understand: there’s a reason I call them the ENEMEDIA.  Good video about “Pallywood” and the unskeptical acceptance of it by Leftists:










Know your Leftist / Globalist & Islamic enemy:


Louis C.K. is an Idiot



Assisted Suicide Could Become a ‘Cost Saving’ Measure for UK Healthcare System, Church Leader Warns

How soon before we get to a Logan’s Run scenario?



Immigration / Migration:

‘Bullsh**’: Biden’s new border policy using ‘loophole’ to fastrack migrants in (

New voters.



90 Miles From Tyranny : Salvadoran Gang Member Charged with Murder Entered U.S. as Unaccompanied Minor (

Dreamers?  More like nightmarers.  Speaking of nightmares:

NEW HAMPSHIRE: 7-year-old boy, savagely beaten and burned by his Muslim father, has died from his injuries (

And related:

“What Is Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome”? | Articles |



Economy at large:

Ignore the White Noise (link in original):


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy)


The United States has been going bankrupt gradually since the Johnson administration. There is no need to discuss this further: people either know how much the country is in debt or they are unwilling to hear the truth.

The Hemingway quote above brings us to our current state: bankruptcy suddenly. The petrodollar is being replaced by the petroyuan/petroruble backed by commodities that have value, not the full faith and credit of a Deep State failed empire. As outlined in a previous article (A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion – Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of Petro Status), the second option of going bankrupt suddenly is now here.

“Markets Are Tense”: Futures Slide As Central Bank Jitters Rise

The above information is a small snippet from a long list of financial information across the world. The word “suddenly” definitely comes to mind after reading the entire article. As I read it, I kept thinking “how much of this information is manipulated?” I suspect the financial section is much worse as all Western governments are suppressing the real news.

It’s going to be suddenly; very suddenly.  And an email from a friend, contents withheld, confirms & relates expert opinions that something’s going to happen this year.

Here Are The Most Shorted Companies: They Are All Exploding Higher | ZeroHedge

Why The End Of The Petrodollar Spells Trouble For The US Regime | ZeroHedge

Double from ZeroHedge.



Political War

Company caves, fires manager after trans activist troll complains she follows ‘transphobic’ Twitter accounts (


Cancel culture is a prelude to mass genocide



Related, at least to me:

Tony Perkins: Policeman’s Resignation Shows the Fallout Over Marriage Has Begun | The Patriot Post

It was his personal opinion, shared as such.

The perfect example of Frankfurt School Discourse theory: Making opposition to govt. policy illegal

High school ‘White Power’ graffiti came from Hispanic gangs: police | The College Fix

At this point I’ve resolved that any such incident is fake until proven true.

Wealth Tax: The Marxist Taxman Cometh – Bookworm Room

And there is little more Marxist than a “wealth tax.”  Such a tax does not focus on profits or salary, such as an income tax or capital gains tax, nor is it tied to consumption like a sales tax.  Nor is it limited to ownershp of real estate, a basis for taxation with a long history.  Instead, a wealth tax looks at the entire value of a person’s property and says that the individual must transfer the value of some portion of that property to the state.  It is, taken to its logical conclusion unlike taxes on wealth creation or on spending, A wealth tax is a means by which to transfer all private property into government hands.


Welcome to the Hotel California, Where You Can Check Out, But You Can Never Leave | Frontpage Mag

It’s not your money, you see.

Harmeet Dhillon Says Republicans Ignore Grassroots Base at Their ‘Peril’

The Left loves their base.  The Right hates theirs.  E.g.:

RNC is Dead: Ronna McDaniel Wins RNC Chair Race Despite Being a Despised Failure With Ratings in The Toilet – Geller Report

Just a slush fund at this point IMHO.

These are the Republicans Protecting Ilhan Omar (

Not engaging in tit-for-tat, better known as not fighting back, has worked brilliantly for Republicans thus far.

Not.  For all Trump’s slip-ups, and they are legion, at least he has a set.  He fights!

He Fights (

And on fighting:

Dems Don’t Do Defense, They Do Offense | Frontpage Mag



US Stability (broad catch-all):

Brandon Admin Blocks Another Mine Necessary To Make EVs And Green Energy Projects – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Mandate green energy and then block all access to ways to make it possible.  Like mandating solar and wind, then blocking the sun’s rays with particulates.  It’s like they want to shut down civilization or something.

Poll: 1 in 4 Millennials Say Parents Cover Their Rent (

This could be in ECONOMY, but I put it here because it represents a culture becoming accustomed to permanent care by parents.  And absent parents… government steps in.



Yet another example of BETRAYAL TRAUMA.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

Sweden’s NATO Membership Goes Up in Smoke


Ukraine ‘Expects’ Tank Deal Will Lead to Western Delivery of Long-Range Missiles Capable of Striking Russian Supply Lines as Zelensky Begs for More Heavy Weaponry — While Angry Kremlin Brands German and US Aid to Kyiv ‘Extremely Dangerous’

What Happens After Ukraine Gets M1 Abrams and Leopard 2 Tanks? – 19FortyFive

But this is interesting:

We Don’t Have Enough Tanks to Send to Ukraine, Pentagon Admits: Biden’s Promise to Send 31 Abrams Could Take Up to a Year — Because the US Has to Buy More

The process of delivering sophisticated new Abrams tanks to Ukraine will take months, with the Pentagon saying it does not have any excess tanks ready for transfer.

So we’re going to, potentially, strip our own capabilities to feed Ukraine.  And then Ukraine wants F-16s.

And Now Ukraine Wants Fighter Jets – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (



And long-range missiles?  And then what, ships and subs?

I am certainly no international expert, but I’ve got a number of people in my life that have a Russian origin and mentality.  They’re tremendously fatalistic, overall.  Given the west’s increasing push to openly state Russia – and its culture and power – need to be dismantled, they may well say Since we’re going down if they win, let’s make sure they go down too.

And then things get very, very hot.

The Most Egregious Mistake — Strategic Culture (

Interesting perspective on the Russian economy and the conflict against it.


WARNING: USA Surrounded? Russian & China Nuclear Warships & Sub | SHTF





Specific to energy:

California’s plan to power EVs has one glaring shortcoming – HotAir

In order to reach that goal, California would need to immediately begin constructing enough solar and wind plants to literally triple the amount of electricity that is currently being generated. That means that they would need to put up new wind farms and solar plants at roughly five times the rate they have been able to build them over the past ten years.




Big Tech in general:

Scientists invented a melting liquid robot that can escape from a cage (

“I don’t see any possibility of injecting something into somebody, and then the microbots swim into their brain and take over their thoughts, or something crazy like that.

“The technology isn’t there, and I don’t see it going there,” Nelson says — adding that were the technology to be tested in clinical settings there would be safeguards in place to protect against such risks.


AI will take their jobs and it’s well deserved

Every single one of those women is an AI creation.  None of them are real.

WARNING – cheesecake alert at the twitter link in the above link.

However, when you can, do take a look at those pics (PG-13 IMHO… maybe a soft R?).  Had I not KNOWN they were all AI-generated, I’d have sworn they were real.  We are approaching a singularity moment when what we see beyond our own eyes IRL cannot be believed.  Many deep fakes are there already; this adds another layer to the situation.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

YouTube removes Project Veritas video on Pfizer vaxx for breach of “consensus”

Thou Shalt Not Shatter The Consensus.

“Tragedy … Might be Triggering”: British Universities Add Warnings for Greek and Shakespearean Plays

Censoring Shakespear?  A civilization in decline when it spurs its greatest achievers.  I have on my to-be-read-before-I-die list the entire sweep of the Harvard Classics series.  Related, at least in my mind:

Who’s More Irrational – The Religious or the Irreligious? | Frontpage Mag



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

Romance In 2023: 1 In 6 People Run Background Checks On Online Dates | ZeroHedge

As a part of her moving to the US with a K1 visa, my then-fiancee had to do a background check.  I suspect if, somehow, I were on the dating scene again I would do this too.  And given how many M to F trannies are out there, maybe even a DNA test.

Why American Women Are Undatable – by Mark McDonald, M.D. (

This tragedy harms not only men but women. Men need women, but so do women need men, despite what feminism has taught. American men today have largely decided they would simply rather be alone than continue to feel battered and exhausted by an unending stream of bad dates with unpleasant women. No healthy person wants to play with a porcupine.

And this is funny.  Back in my dating days I used to “be confused” in the produce aisle and would ask for help:

Women starting to avoid soy

I guess women are starting to figure out that the ability to fix things is a much more useful trait in a man than putting platitudes about how they love to travel in their dating apps.

Not that I want to re-enter the dating game.  But… I’m getting to the point where I’m scared to should the possibility arise.  Short of finding a traditionally-minded woman in an Orthodox shul, which is where I’d focus anyway, what would I find in the common dating market?




Neil Oliver ‘…if you thought that was scary just wait & see what’s coming now’





Palate cleansers:






Please check out my MEME collection.  Here’s the last one.


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