Meme Overflow

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.

Also, for those prepper-minded, my last two Survival Sundays:

Survival Sunday – Sunday PREP Edition – Granite Grok

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition – Granite Grok

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Neil Oliver: ‘We are sleepwalking into a ZERO TRUST new world



Found here, and worth reading that too.









Are. You. Kidding. Me?

They’re scared of instability and torches & pitchforks???  This kind of “we are above accountability” is how you get torches & pitchforks.  And gallows.  Or, in a more modern form, multiple-hundred-yard thoracic surgery on politicians.  Note that I’m not advocating this – but the more pols separate themselves from The People and declare themselves as exempt from the laws they impose on others, the more likely such things are going to become.









Apparently, according to a video I saw with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi speaking, when he gave a presentation to the Thai government the representatives were very excited – and not in a good way for Pfizer – about the revelations he gave them.  Expect Pfizer to fight this tooth and nail, for if this fraud judgment stands, it will increase pressure on other governments.

Dr. Bhakdi is Working to Nullify Thailand’s Pfizer mRNA Vax Contracts (

And through Telegram:

“ We weren’t required to make a SAFE & EFFECTIVE PRODUCT”!!

See / listen to video at the link below:

I’m seeing lots of Jab regretters on Telegram.  Their stories, and how they trusted the government / authorities and now – never again.  Remember, this is a one-way flow of people.  Like the flow of people Cuba to Florida in makeshift rafts, this is a one-way direction of intellectual shifting.  More importantly, once a person realizes government lies to them on ONE thing, the more open-minded they will be to considering they’ve been lied to on other things.  Heh.

And, in parallel, expect other governments to exert pressure on Thailand to not move forward with this.  “For stability”.  More on whistleblowers:



I don’t want guilty pleas.  I don’t want fines.  I want f*cking hangings.








GENIUS – and I LOLed:



Right in front of the Pfizer HQ.  You can’t do this any better!!!!  They need a contribution IMHO.

Project Veritas




Pick of the post:



The Thai revelation on Covid, above, is important, but this was an eye-opener.  I remember, back in my Macroeconomics class as I studied for my MBA, how enthusiastic my professor was for getting off the gold standard.  And given the – in retrospect one-sided – arguments, I agreed at the time.  Could it really be possible that the drivers for this – the real drivers for getting off gold – had nothing to do with what I was told which was just a camouflage for the real reason, which was to create the system we have today where it’s backed by the “full faith and credit” of the various governments and nothing but?  A system intentionally set up to drive debasement of the currency?  This is something that, until the last few years, I would have dismissed utterly.  Now… I don’t want to believe it, but I’m coming to that viewpoint of this being intentional.

To quote a line from a sci-fi book “Only Begotten Daughter”… The data are compelling.

Now, I think we need currency backed by something.  It should include gold, probably silver, perhaps other things as well.  But tangible assets, not something that can get inflated to infinity.  Because as I look at the world and the debt that’s been created out of thin air… I see a house of cards that’s going to flatten to nothing when – WHEN – it goes.




Chocolate Foosball!



You have to admire the planning, let alone sheer skill, shown here and in other videos by this guy.  Incredible.  Skill and creativity plus planning.

On the flip side… can you imagine what commissioning something like this costs?  This is wealth to the point of decadence.  Now don’t get me wrong – whoever paid for it, that’s their money, they can do what they want with it.  I’m not going to screech about how many people that money could have fed or some such.  Rather, merely point out that IMHO we are approaching the Romans in decline where the Elites supped on dainties even as the empire collapsed.




Palate cleansers:



Maybe we could get him into the election system.  He, at least, knows how to count accurately.

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