Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow - Granite Grok

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget both complementary parts of my Survival Sunday feature: PREP edition and SITREP edition.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


A hat trick of prior essays:

A Famous Poem Stanza – Forward in Christ Magazine

Ideological Superorganisms – Granite Grok

Hitler’s Missing Speech – Liberty’s Torch (





Bumper stickers!  We have bumper stickers!








Here.  And in .223 too.









Regretfully I agree.  More:



Caveat: I don’t want this to be true.  I really don’t.  I want a good – and peaceful – solution.  Increasingly, though, I don’t think there is one.  Alas.










Just what are we loosing on the world?

Artificial intelligence could be misused to design biological weapons, warn scientists after their AI came up with 40,000 potentially toxic drugs in just six hours – David Icke

Don’t forget – apparently AI can reprogram itself:

Scientists Made a Mind-Bending Discovery About How AI Actually Works | NC Renegades

We have sci-fi littered with warnings of creating AI.  And we’re rushing ahead…





Bill Whittle – Racism – Democrats and Republicans switch sides?



And a recent one, on his website:

Gen Z vs. Reality – Bill Whittle

Young people — specifically young women — who have bought into the entire Leftist narrative are increasingly finding themselves utterly ALONE. And this first real contact with reality doesn’t seem to be something they can talk or scream their way out of. Is this the beginning of the end of the Woke nightmare?



I’ve mentioned this concept before – from Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, specifically, the RPN number – that it’s the probability times the consequences that matter (and also an assessment that the failure will escape detection to get to the customer).  As an example of risk times consequences, consider two games that have the precise same odds:  Rolling a “6” on a die and having to pay someone a fiver, or getting the full chamber in a game of Russian Roulette.  Which would you rather play?

So now what are we to think of this potential to rapidly evolve the Covid virus?

Molnupiravir (Lageviro) antiviral treatment lead to the rapid accrual of hundreds of SARS-CoV-2 mutations; study demonstrates that Molnupiravir can ‘supercharge’ viral evolution potentially generating (

Now remember – the drug companies are, IIRC, completely indemnified from any harms that come from this stuff.  Including supercharged viruses.

Remember Viox as just one example – the pharma company KNEW there were risks but launched anyway.  Injured and dead people are just a cost of doing business.  Like they are with The Jab:



48,817 DEAD and 5 MILLION Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (2,177,286) are serious injuries.



Comirnaty BioNTech/ Pfizer: 23,210 deaths and 2,667,243 injuries

SPIKEVAX/Moderna: 12,703 deaths and 870,106 injuries

VAXZEVRIA Astra Zeneca 9,667deaths and 1,388,494 injuries

JANSSEN J&J: 3,234 deaths and 178,053 injuries

NUVAXOVID Novavax: 3 deaths and 3,987 injuries


So to those who say that it’s only a small chance it’ll trigger something truly horrible, I say… it’s not the chances alone.  It’s the consequences if it happens.

So, a modest proposal: Start with repealing the 1986 vaccine indemnification law.  And then, somehow, let’s put another skin in the game… IMHO involving trees, ropes, and pharma executives should they put something on the market they know carries such high risks regardless of the chances… ???


What say you?










In Islam there is the rule of reconquest.  I don’t know the precise phraseology, but the gist of it is that any land once controlled by Islam, no matter how long ago, MUST be reconquered in the name of Islam.  Thus, Jews having their ancestral home back on a land area the size of Massachusetts is – no matter what the status of Arabs there (including being in the Israeli Knesset, some apartheid!) – an abomination in the eyes of Islam.  As to Israel being apartheid, etc., let’s hear from people who know better:




If you’re pro-Israel, like I am, and want to donate – you’d do worse than by giving some Israeli soldiers Purim baskets.  Connections Israel is a group to whom I’ve donated for years.  They’re good people.

PURIM | connectionsisrael




Rand Paul goes after health institutions that refused critical care to unvaxxed patients – TheBlaze

“The COVID-19 Vaccination Non-Discrimination Act will protect the rights of vulnerable patients to make their own health care choices and ensure that federal taxpayer dollars do not support facilities that turn away patients based on their COVID-19 vaccination status,” he added.



Pick of the Post:



So many parallel jabs in this.  It’s masterful.  And related to that:





Facts and Fallacies with Thomas Sowell





Palate Cleansers:




Ain’t that the truth.

