Survival Sunday – SITREP Edition

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as is.  I make no guarantee of accuracy or complete coverage of the world.

This got quite long.  There’s a lot happening…

Please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

For prep materials, please see:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok




It Just Escalated! How You Can Prepare…



Mentality and adaptability will be key.  Like keep saying.  But watch it all.




Top of the fold:

Something Wicked This Way Comes? – by Quoth the Raven (

Economy, militarily, the grid.  One of my best friends and I discussed a number of warning signs tonight.

Natural exposure immunity evidence existed even historically from the Athenian plague of 430 BC whereby historical documents showed that recovered persons were protected when re-exposed to infection (

Pretty smart people, those Greeks.



Sil Caggiano, a hazardous materials specialist, discusses more chemicals found on East Palestine, Ohio train derailment (

Worser and worser.

‘Bomb Train’ in Ohio Sickens Residents After Railroad Cutbacks, Corporate Greed Led to Toxic Disaster • Children’s Health Defense (



What the Media Isn’t Telling You About the Ohio Train Derailment





And more worser and worser:

Ohio train that derailed and leaked toxic chemicals broke down just days earlier | Daily Mail Online

Isn’t this odd?



Though a somewhat different perspective on things here:

Vinyl Chloride and East Palestine in [Market-Ticker]




Needs More Grease



“I can’t wait not to see this…”!  Priceless!  And yes, there is nothing that the Left will not seek to twist and break:

“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin good forces have invented or made”

― JRR Tolkien




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

WEF Insider Reveals ‘Bug-Eating Agenda’ Is About Destroying the Human Soul – News Punch

List of harms bugs in your diet can do.

Yeonmi Park: North Korea | Lex Fridman Podcast #196



LONG.  But… learn the lessons from a survivor.

Vaxx Update: Are the “un-Vaxxed” about to be made into ‘targets’ of Federal oppression? It would appear so… Big Brother is actively tracking C-19 “vaccination” status. WHY? What’s coming?? (

According to bombshell federal government records, people who refuse Covid-19 vaccinations are put on a list and tracked by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).



Protecting Children:

Doctors disregarded parents’ rights, pushed kids into sex changes (

Not. Children.

Adults can do what they want.

Not.  Children.

Idaho parents fill up Drag Queen event in local library (

The way to do it.



National Security (specifically):

South Africa Turned Down Invitation for Join Naval Exercises With U.S., Choosing Russia and China Instead – The China Global South Project

That’s big; being turned down.



What is it I keep saying?  Rome fell when the “average Roman” refused to fight for it.



On The Jab (and Covid)

Social Credit Brazilian Style: All UBI Recipients Must Be Vaxxed | ZeroHedge

Coming soon to schools in the US; coming to the welfare rolls.  Want your EBT cards, get your Jab.  Related:

BUSTED!!! US DoD & World Govts Conspired with Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, & Janssen to Defraud the World into Taking the Covid Vaccine (

They want a needle in every single arm.



Sasha Latypova: Evidence of the Intent to Harm | StarCrestSoloist (

25 minute video.  Related:

What funeral directors know that you don’t (

The CDC Lied: The mRNA Wasn’t Meant to “Stay in the Arm” ⋆ Brownstone Institute

We know it distributes.  Now we have evidence this was intended.  Related:

EXCLUSIVE: Pfizer Lot and Dose Data Release – ICAN – Informed Consent Action Network (

Like the above, this has to be intentional.  Fraud vitiates everything:

BOMBSHELL: Startling Evidence Suggests BioNTech and Pfizer Falsified Key Data (

Ten minute video.



How Much Money Do Pediatricians Really Make From Vaccines? – WELLNESS AND EQUALITY

How much?  A lot.  With quotas too.  No wonder they push-push-push them.




Brandon Admin Cracks Down On Evil Washers And Fridges

Everybody hold on… here it comes.  Again.  Related:

Unidentified Flying Inflation | ZeroHedge

BIDEN ECONOMY: Inflation Up 6.4% – Higher than Expected – “Household Budgets…Stressed, Strained and Broken” (




Joe Biden Falsely Claims Food Prices Are ‘Continuing to Come Down’ (

The man lies with every breath.





Look at the expressions of the people listening.  The contempt they have for her is plain.





How AI is engineering collective consciousness (

Like the enemedia of decades past, only more insidious and subtle.



US State Department Funding Secret ‘Disinformation’ Crusade To Blacklist Conservative Media | ZeroHedge

Government is against your making informed decisions.

UPDATE: MSU Mass Shooter a Black Male – 3 Killed and 5 Injured – Suspect Shot Himself in Head as Police Were Approaching (

I can only say this (not sure why it’s not embedding – short video):


mass shooter magic trick


Speaking of mass shooters.  IMHO of course, a pity he didn’t.  I’d have voted to give him a medal:

CNN main anchor: ‘I was going to kill everybody, including myself’ (

MSNBC Guest Suggests FOX News Viewers Are In A Cult And Need Deprogramming (VIDEO) (

Setting the stage, as predicted by myself and others, that anyone to the Right of Stalin is mentally ill.  And we know what Leftists do to mentally ill people.





Feminists Hate Ultrasound Photos Because They Confirm Unborn Babies are Human Beings –

I remember seeing that first grainy image of my first child.  The tech managed to position the image section right over the heart; I could see it pulsing in time with the sound from the speakers.



I broke down and wept.  Understand, I’m not a weepy guy.  I sobbed then, openly, tears running down my face at the first sight of this child for whom I would be responsible.  For her, for her baby bother brother… my two kids for whom I’d walk into a blast furnace if that’s what it took to protect them.

Modern Child Sacrifice (

First, note the source.  Second, never forget what abortion truly is:



Safe Haven “Baby Box” Saves Newborn Baby From Infanticide –

Great news!

Democrat Leader: Kill Disabled Babies in Abortions Because They’re a Drain on School Funding –

Wasn’t there a movement in the 20th century that wanted to kill the disabled because they were “life not worthy of life”?



Know your Leftist / Globalist & Islamic enemy:

HAVE YOUR SAY Expropriation Bill 2023 – Dear South Africa

Land & property grab in South Africa.  Coming soon to all nations.

Moonbattery Curing the Blind as Thoughtcrime – Moonbattery

Try and wrap your mind around the mentality that would not offer a cure for blindness to protect the “disability culture”.



Immigration / Migration:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Responding to the illegal alien invasion and the crime wave it’s fueling (bolding added):

There’s no doubt whatsoever that cities are faced with a crescendo of crime, made worse by millions of illegal aliens who can’t (or won’t) find work.  It’s getting worse just about everywhere.  Ignore the “official” statistics that try to claim this, or that, or the other crime is actually decreasing.  Remember, city authorities have a vested interest in trying to make their towns appear to be low-crime areas, because that attracts business, residents and visitors.  As a result, many law enforcement agencies are under orders not to record all crimes in specific categories, or to ignore them when they’re encountered.  How many police departments have announced that they will no longer respond as an emergency to reports of burglary, car theft, and so on?  They don’t have the time, the money or the personnel to cope, so they’re copping out – you should pardon the expression.

This is actually one reason why the UK – based my years-ago researching – has a lower murder rate: the reporting.  If, in NYC, five bodies are found will bullet holes, that’s five homicides.  Unsolved.  Again from memory, if the same were found in a back alley in London, it’s one homicide incident, and it’s not official until it’s been cleared (solved?).

Cuomo: southern states were right about immigration – HotAir

Don’t believe a word of it.  My guess?  The Left thinks they’ve gotten enough in to permanently shift things demographically.

How the Left Wins Elections by Transforming Nations – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

Though more is better:

Biden Admin Says It Will Terminate Trump-Era Immigration Restrictions (

Top Biden Spox: America’s Borders Are “Secure”…

485K Migrants Apprehended this Year in Texas-Based Border Sectors (

Protesters Clash With Police Outside Asylum Seeker Hotel In Merseyside With Missiles Thrown At Officers And ‘Police Van Set On Fire’ As Three Arrested

Through multiple sources, some in the UK, I’m hearing things are getting very… heated in Ireland especially.

Border Patrol apprehensions of Chinese nationals at southern border up more than 700% from last year | Just The News

The US-Mexico border is a long, long way from China.  How the living F are they getting there?

Durbin, Graham Propose ‘DREAM Act’ Amnesty for Nearly 2M Illegal Aliens (

FFS Graham.  You gave me such hope at the Kavanaugh hearings…





Economy at large:

So Much For Billionaires: Joe Biden’s IRS Is Now Coming For Waiters And Waitresses’ Tips | ZeroHedge

They will pursue your income from the first dime to the last dollar.  They’re determined to suck you dry.



Buy the shirt!

Global Debt and Death Spiral – John Rubino

Video, 52 minutes.

After The Worst January Job Cuts ‘Since The Great Recession’, Here Are 12 Major Layoffs That Have Already Been Announced In February (

Gonna be a long, long fall.



Political War

Fierce Backlash As Project Veritas Sidelines James O’Keefe After Pfizer Bombshells | ZeroHedge

I suspect, given the absolute embarrassment Pfizer just had, that these men who know dirty tricks people had those people have discussions with PV board members.  We’re talking billions… plus, of course, the depopulation project.  Threats?  All in a day’s work for this class of people.

Though from here:

Qui Custodiet Custodiens: What’s Happening at Veritas? – Granite Grok

Both text and especially comments, apparently O’Keefe is hell to work for.  A 200%+ turnover rate?  Yikes!  But then, from personal experience, smaller companies with the founder still at the head tend to be bad from that standpoint.  One place I worked the founder was still the owner cult leader; I worked 50 hours a week and I was considered a slacker.  *cough DEKA cough*

Terrified Republican Power Brokers Are Reportedly Plotting to Stop Trump’s 2024 Run: ‘It Is a Five-Alarm Fire’ (

They hate you.  The GOP hates their base.  And increasingly, the feeling is mutual.

Is Airbnb’s Ban on Activist’s Parents Preview of Social Credit System? (

I had this in the last edition.  But…



US Stability (broad catch-all):

Fauci: now he tells us – HotAir

Vaccine mandates were predicated on a lie–and a lie that Fauci and others KNEW was a lie. It’s not like they didn’t know the science. They simply lied about it. They censored people who told the truth. They forced millions to take an experimental drug with no studies on long-term medical complications. They got people fired, canceled, and destroyed based upon a claim that was false.

Trust is gone.  This.  Watergate being a CIA op.  The military purportedly not telling Trump about Chinese balloon overflights.

I am having Betrayal Trauma.  I, and a lot of others, are starting to question the entire scope of our belief and faith in America.  No, not the theory and principles of America, but the America in which we’ve lived in actuality.

43% Of Rural Hospitals Are In The Red: 6 Things To Know | ZeroHedge

When I lived in a small town in Vermont, I was told that unless I’d ripped my arm off, or was in the throws of a heart attack, don’t go to the town hospital.  Now… there might not even be a hospital to go to.

More rural people will die, and that doubtless suits the suits.

Baltimore: not one student at these 23 schools can do math at grade level – HotAir

Useful pawns foot soldiers don’t need education.



¼ million ballots rejected.  Anyone who still has confidence that elections are fair is a fool IMHO.  And anyone who thinks that we’ll get them in 2024 is naive beyond redemption.  TINVOWOOT, alas.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

Ukraine will use the weapons to attack Moscow – they lied – (bolding in the original):

Kiev’s forces will not hold back when it comes to hitting locations inside Russia, according to Fyodor Venislavsky, a member of the Ukrainian parliament’s National Security, Defense, and Intelligence Committee. Speaking to Germany’s Bild tabloid on Saturday, he also described Moscow as a “legitimate military target.” The West is arming Ukraine for long-range missile attacks on Moscow. Putin and the hardliner will now have NO CHOICE and will be fully justified in nuking Ukraine to end the war the same way the United States nuked Japan.


EXCLUSIVE: Is Ukraine Using Chemical Weapons? Disturbing VIDEO Indicates There Is Sufficient Circumstantial Evidence to Investigate (Warning on Content) ( and EXCLUSIVE: Ukraine and Russia Are Violating Ban on Chemical Weapon Use in War – Is It Accelerating? (

If this is true, in either direction, that’s a can of worms no sane person wants opened.  Same for the below:

Ukraine Prepared To Strike Crimea With British Missiles | ZeroHedge

The Minsk Agreements Tried to Create Peace Between Ukraine and Russia. Zelensky Said He Never Planned to Honor Them. ( (link in the original, bolding added):

The site was built in 2015, the year after a color revolution fomented regime change in the country, triggering clashes between government forces and separatists in the Donbas who declared independence from Kiev. It was the proxy war before the proxy war, with U.S.-backed troops battling Russian-backed forces. Fighting there had already killed at least 14,000 people before President Vladimir Putin took Russia across the Rubicon last February.

There were efforts to establish a ceasefire and, ultimately, peace in 2014 and 2015. These were the Minsk agreements, mediated with help from Germany and France. But in an interview with Der Spiegel published on Feb. 9, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he never planned to honor the accords, although he was elected president on the promise of ending the Donbas War.

More on the area:

Our World Is about to Change

The clock is ticking down to WWIII by February 21st (or sooner). The West is backed into a corner where there are no options left. Our divisions in this country were effectively manufactured to destroy the people and the Republic. These divisions will soon be rendered moot as reality and the horrors of a world war are unleashed.

I don’t know about February 21, but… you have to remember the extremely-fatalistic Russian mindset.  The vast majority of Russians have to know by now that the US – via the Nordstrom attack – has declared war on the motherland.

Russia’s New Red Lines – Vox Popoli (

Persistent Delusion Among the American and NATO Defense Establishment – A Son of the New American Revolution (

These people want WWIII.  And things look like they’re getting worse.

US Tells Any Remaining Americans To Get Out Of Russia Or Face Possible Conscription | ZeroHedge


BREAKING! US is sending depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine | Redacted with Clayton Morris




ALERT: Nuke Warships Deploy, Moldova CLOSES Airspace, NORAD/ Alaska / Washington DEFCON




Putin deploys two supersonic ‘Blackjack’ nuclear bombers near UK in warning to West just hours after buzzing US | The Sun

Turks Suspect US Geoweapon

My expectation is that the next fatal earthquakes will be in Japan, which is resisting US demands that it change its constitution and transform its Self Defense Forces into a military capable of attacking China and/or Russia. Crimea is a possibility, as is western China, but I don’t think Clown World’s strategists are willing to take the risk of directly striking Russian or Chinese territory for fear of direct retaliation in kind.

Bookmark this prediction.




What is the real reason for it?



But… but… but the Great Replacement is a myth.  Our intellectual and moral superiors have assured us so.




Specific to energy:

2035: the end of civilisation | James McSweeney | The Critic Magazine

Together, these factors create an ecosystem in which people with no understanding of energy policy are encouraged to overhaul the foundations of our society on the advice of liars.

How do we break the death spiral?

UK death spiral.  Doubtless this will be echoed here in the US.


EMP Threat is real and growing…Prepare NOW.



Moonbattery South Africa Declares National State of Emergency – Moonbattery

A formerly prosperous country circles the drain.  Remember, all that you see in the First World can be undone far more easily than it was done.





Look before you sit!



Are you freakin’ kidding me????  And another screaming willies pic:





Big Tech in general:

A wi-fi sensing system that creates 3D human meshes (

The engineer in me says NEAT.  The freedom-lover in me shakes to my soul.  Speaking of freedom, this looks interesting if I can figure it out…

How NOSTR Will Change the World of Privacy – Activist Post

Scientists Made a Mind-Bending Discovery About How AI Actually Works | NC Renegades

I have been telling people that AI systems will soon be able to write their own code and implement it. I was wrong. Their systems are ALREADY doing this, and embedding the code in their programming (I am not going to speculate on “intention” at this moment). Essentially these systems are creating their own computer-within-a-computer, and the scientists who created them didn’t even know. Huh.

Why does “SkyNet became self aware at 2:14 AM…” come to mind?



Catch-all miscellaneous:

Yale Professor Sparks Outrage by Proposing Mass Suicide for Old People in Japan (

There was an episode in Star Trek: The Next Generation in which an alien race had a tradition of “the resolution” – specifically, committing suicide before becoming a burden on society.


Batya Ungar-Sargon: How Elites EXPLOITED Covid To Pull Off One Of The Biggest Wealth Transfers EVER



Nice rant.  The “Laptop Class” concept alone is worth the price of admission.  And I applaud her open Judaism and NOT being of the Plopping Jew / tikkun olam fetish set.  And she gets interviewed:

The left has given up on ordinary Americans – spiked (



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

I am seeing an ongoing collapse of society.  Morality is gone.  Respect for the law is gone.  And the spiral of sexual degeneracy going down into the abyss?  Possibly the entire Mississippi river will soon be toxic.  And what if it gets into the Gulf of Mexico?

The last days of Rome comes to mind.

Chaos is coming.  Though there are glimmers of hope, here and there:

Surfer Bethany Hamilton Says She Won’t Compete Against Biological Men (




‘Surrendering to the mob’: Mark Steyn ‘driven out’ of GB News





Palate cleansers:





Please check out my MEME collection.  Here’s the last one.


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