They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  Take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and almost certainly a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Overflow.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***

A hat-trick of past essays:

Church of the Covidian – Liberty’s Torch (

The Fly on the Urinal – Urban Scoop

From Divine to Disgusting – Granite Grok


What is ‘C40 Cities’ about and how does it link ULEZ Expansion with The Clinton Foundation?


But first, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.




There’s a danger here.  When the SHTF, where will they go first?




Crowder has a good video on this too:

The 2nd Amendment : For Muskets Only?!

Arguments to the contrary – should someone care to make one to me – should be put onto hand-crafted parchment with a quill pen and conveyed to me by a man on horseback.




There are a LOT of people whose bridges to them I’d love-love-love to burn.  With matches, gasoline, and thermite too.  The only thing that prevents me are my kids, and the potential threat of my wife Jabbing the kids if I do go full nuclear mode.




I’ve seen other videos of Covidians also devoid of blinking – and some generic (Left) pols as well.  Weird, considering the average blinking frequency is 15-20 blinks per minute.  So that’s once every 3-4 seconds.  Interestingly, according to this search result (bing) people’s blinking becomes “off” when lying.  Generally by blinking less.

This guy doesn’t blink for over 30 seconds.  From the above search:

12 Subtle Signs To Know If Someone Is Lying To You | Thought Catalog

Body Language Lying Eyes Seeing Through The Eyes Of Deceit (

The above two, and others, all point to a lack of blinking as one sign of lying – or being medicated on something.  And no, I’m not ready to go down the lizard people road.  At least, not yet. 😉


The Noxious Spread of Anti-White Racism



Pick of the post:

Some strong contenders, but this one really hit me on an emotional level – because, while I know humans are merely emotional animals capable of reason… some people are so devoid of reason I want to tear what little hair I have left out.


Adderall and Me

It’s a profound shortage of medicines.  I’ve now had to have some of my – and my family’s – scripts ORDERED ahead of time to make sure they’re there when I go to pick them up.


Palate Cleansers:

Not beer.  A good 18 year old scotch, on the other hand…



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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