Oliver anthony

Monday Morning Inspiration:

The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) held its second international conference a few weeks ago, and I’ve only just had time to begin to sift through what I can only describe as the greatness of it. What is ARC? According to the organization, inspired by the mind of Jordan Peterson, ARC is … an international … Read more

Rescue The Republic and the Realignment of American Politics

It is nearly impossible to find literature on politics or American culture that doesn’t equate some totalitarian forms as right-wing. And while that was fine when the spectrum was a circle – you could put Hitler and Mussolini next to Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Bernie, and Kamal Harris- it has since been laid on a straight … Read more

American flag america

Night Cap: Divided We Fall

The notion that we are a land divided isn’t something surprising to most of our readers. They see it and accept that it is a deliberate act by the political establishment, with the understanding that they (the uniparty) are dividing us to cement their ongoing rise to power.

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Smuggling and illegal immigration

We Must Stop the Destruction of Western Progress and Culture

The mass immigration of 3rd world country populations into Western countries currently happening across the world has to stop and must be reversed.
Case in point: Reportedly, the most popular first name in the UK right now for baby boys is Mohamad, and the world is supposed to celebrate this in the name of diversity and all the “advantages” it supposedly brings.

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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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alternatives to western civilization

Alternatives to Western Civilization … Give up Freedom

There are three types of alternatives to western civilization: scientism, sentimentalized “religion of humanity,” and Islam. Each of these competitors undermines liberty. The first two are internal and damaging to the West. The last is external and utterly incompatible. The common element among them is faith. “Scientism” is the various forms of socialist ideology with … Read more

The leftist narrative

The Leftist Narrative is Leading us into Danger

Today America is under assault from the Leftist narrative. The police, for example, today are living under a narrative of lies. This is different from the conditions in any other profession. Police motivation, as a group, is largely the desire to help people. However, the story the media is telling is the exact opposite. The … Read more

“What’s the Difference Between a Liberal and a Leftist?

What’s the Difference Between a Liberal and a Leftist?

“What’s the Difference Between a Liberal and a Leftist? Dennis Prager often asks this question. Surprisingly it stumps many people. They think liberal and left are essentially the same. But they’re not. Liberalism and leftism have almost nothing in common. The Left has appropriated the word “liberal” so effectively almost everyone thinks they are synonymous. … Read more

Book note: “Jesus, A Biography from a Believer”

Jesus of Nazareth, one image

Whether you’re a believer or not, this short “biography of Jesus” by renowned historian Paul Johnson is well worth reading. Jesus’s teachings were essentially libertarian, and gave birth to the freedom, inventiveness, justice, and wealth of Western Civilization (under assault and beleaguered though all may be today).

In the book the author audaciously posits that “What Jesus provided by his life was in effect a new Ten Commandments.” Those new ten commandments are…

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