So, Racism (Unlike Gender) Is Defined at Birth?

The science of the left is “pseudo” at best, fiction – more often than not – and otherwise just mad. Failure is not only an option; it is a justification to push harder in all the wrong directions, as is a blatant contradiction like racism vs. gender.

I made the remark in a post this morning that, “regardless of any other factors, racism (unlike gender) is defined at birth, and it is the obligation of educators to instill this even if they need to lie to tell “their truth.”

It then occurred to me that we may not have truly or thoroughly explored that contradiction.

According to the Left’s experts, gender is fluid, but racism is not. Parents, family members, neighbors, the community, and educators, are admonished if they dare to presume not only a sexual preference but deference.

Racism, however, is fixed. Not only that, there is not a single thing that parents, family members, neighbors, the community, and educators can do but to label you a racist and shame you so you never forget.


That’s an easy one. Politics. Nothing needs to make sense as long as it advances the agenda.

Politics is the only non-contradiction in anything the Left does, from climate to gender to race to taxes to jobs to birders to free speech to firearms to policing and justice.

It is the only lens through which they see the world, and once you accept that the contradictions and idiocy all make sense.

If you agree with Democrats politically, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, mental or physical disability, religion, or national origin are boons that demonstrate the party’s tolerance and diversity.

If you disagree with them politically, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, mental or physical disability, religion, or national origin mean less than nothing. Zero.

All they can say is, “You are dead to me!”

And that is the warning we never grow tired of giving.

The Left is not shy about this reality, and if everyone just looked, they would see that they are not the party of women, Blacks, Latinos, gays, women’s health care, education, children, or laborers.

They are the party of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, and they pursue power by any means necessary.

That’s why gender is fluid and racism is not. This is why we are not allowed to presume a child is a boy or a girl or anywhere in between, but some people are conceived in racism and can never escape it.

None of its real, and neither science nor history, or America, or the founding, or slavery, or marriage, has a damn thing to do with it. It is politics in the pursuit of power, and they will lie, steal, and intimidate anyone and everyone to win.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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