"Educators" Deny Being Taught How to Hide CRT From Parents in a Conservative County School System - Granite Grok

“Educators” Deny Being Taught How to Hide CRT From Parents in a Conservative County School System

Francis Howell School DIstrict Logo

One of the Farmer’s Insurance tag lines is “we know a few things because we’ve seen a few things.” And so have we, like how “educrats” are trained to silence parents with questions on topics like Critical Race Theory. No one ever told us about that, so why would they tell us about this?


The curriculum-writing team in a suburban St. Louis school district plotted with a critical race theory advocate on how to keep parents in the dark about their efforts to inject leftwing social justice advocacy into their classrooms, according to a video of their meeting leaked online.


It’s not just suburban St. Louis; it’s everywhere. If you don’t believe us send a right to know or freedom of information act request to your local superintendent or school board and ask for training or curriculum materials related to race, sex, or gender. You’ll find yourself faced with another well know tagline.

Related: The Exeter School District’s (SAU16) BLM Bedfellows…

Get Ready to Rumble!

Plausible deniability takes on a whole new meaning. Not only is there no hand, but there is also no cookie. No jar. And we’re not going to talk about it. Not directly. Not where people might hear.

And if you bring it up, we may have to shut you down for no reason, because, as we said, we’re not doing that if it was even any of your business.

In the context of the St. Louis problem, I guess that looks like this.


At a recent school board meeting, superintendent Nathan Hoven said the district has not adopted critical race theory into the framework of its curriculum. “We are not and have no interest in advancing any political agenda,” he said.


The Francis Howell School District is in St. Charles County, Missouri, northwest of St. Louis. It went for Trump 58-40 in November 2020 despite its proximity to a large Democrat-run urban wasteland and whatever other nonsense you think occurred.

But they have government schools which means the progressives running the education industrial complex have plenty to hide.

To their credit, I did not see any obvious red flags on the district website. Still, the story is out there, as is this video, alleged to be of district educators being trained to “do away with verbiage like “white privilege,” while still getting the progressive message across to students.”

What’s the message?


“This is not a safe space,” but rather a “racialized space,” because “In many ways a safe space is a space where white people tell us how not racist they are. And this is not that space.”


The predisposition that, regardless of any other factors, racism (unlike gender) is defined at birth, and it is the obligation of educators to instill this even if they need to lie to tell “their truth.”

