George Soros

The Dems Partisan Billionaire Blindness

Sandy Cortez does not see Elon Musk as qualified to be in charge of DOGE, but she sees being a bartender in Boston and New York as a qualification to be a member of Congress. The Democrats have tried the attack du jour to undermine Elon Musk and his DOGE effort. The Democrats have attacked … Read more

ocasio-cortez alexandria

Do We Need Leaders Or Digital Creators

Controversy always surrounds Alexandria “Sandy” Cortez, whether it concerns her socialist ideals, her creation of the Far-Left force, The Squad, her skirting of campaign finance laws, or if she is the future of the Democrat Party. There is much negativity in her wake and so few accomplishments. Undeniably, Cortez is a master of social networking … Read more

AOC fake crying at border fence

AOC’s Hopeless Gambit to Impeach Supremes

New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) recent announcement of impeachment charges against the US Supreme Court’s two most conservative justices appears entirely political in both motive and timing. Democrat Senators have sought to tag-team with AOC by calling for a special counsel investigation of the same justices in an effort seemingly designed to give a … Read more

ocasio-cortez alexandria

Credit Where Due: Sandy Cortez Makes Herself Useful

Regardless of what you think her intentions may be, Congresswoman Sandy Cortez deserves some credit for asking Kimberly Cheatle, the now-former head of the Secret Service, an excellent question. Stopped clock and all that, I suppose? Well Duh? Looking at the landscape, anyone with even the most rudimentary situational awareness would have the same question … Read more

Night Cap: Sandy’s “Squad” Loses Token Male Member

I’m not saying we should celebrate or anything like that. After all, one Democrat beat another Democrat in a Democrat Primary in a Blue District in New York. This examination is not much different than two dog owners staring at a pile of crap, wondering whose dog left it (and who has to clean up after it).

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The Real Story of Christmas, by Sandy Cortez …

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released her Christmas message, and she would have been better served to sit this one out. Cortez always tries to sound intelligent, but once you get past the gesticulations when she is orating on the house floor or dig into the words she has chosen on her online posts, her thinking is inaccurate or more emotional than factual.

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Sandy Cortez “Exposes” Herself …

Alexandria Ocasio Cortex, the recently minted millionaire (yes, it’s true) and former bartender, shared some keen-Cortez insight on the rising objections to boys being allowed to participate in girls’ sports. “Exposing,” if you like – not just the problem – but some of the contradictions in her argument.

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AOC fake crying at border fence

Cortez Tries Schooling Witness On Immigration

I have explained why I refuse to refer to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez by her preferred AOC. Cortez has never done anything to earn a moniker like JFK, FDR, or LBJ. As a matter of fact, Cortez has done nothing of note in her tenure in Congress. She has yet to have a bill passed that she authored since her first day in Washington in 2019.

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Whitmer Cortez and Newsom

Coming For Your Guns…and Prayers

We heard from three of the Democrat’s finest voices this week. No, Joe Biden is not one of them because his comments on Thursday continued to show how flawed his thinking is. I shouldn’t say flawed because that work implies wrong.

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AOC Neiman Marxist

Rep. Cortez Claims Poor People Need Abortion

Many will not know her name, Rep. Cortez, but I refuse to use her three letter moniker. No matter what you call her, Representative Alexandria “Sandy” Cortez is an embarrassment to Congress and the people of New York she represents. Unfortunately, they will probably return her to Congress in November, which does not say much for these folks.

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