The Democrat machine from the corridors of DC to State Houses and Town governments has been bad-mouthing Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for months. They went all-in on calling it poison. They even fabricated a fake study for the media to hype. Said it was unsafe and might kill you.
Related: Yale Epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin Need to be Widely Available and Promoted
And it wasn’t just Democrats. The corporate media machine and Big Tech (Google, Facebook, Twitter) are accomplices. Not only did the Digital media giants censor sound science, but they also flagged it as fake news then added links to contradictory reports that are themselves fake news.
They went all-in on preventing an early acceptance of HCQ. They mocked the use of zinc and even Azithromycin even though it works.
They scared people away; maintained a relentless disinformation campaign (to this day) to prevent the public from demanding access. Why? Widespread early use would have made the call for lockdowns, shutdowns, and quarantines – along with all the economic and public health consequences – unnecessary.
We’d have had no economic slowdown. No jobs lost. Businesses would not have closed. Patients would not have been kept from regular preventative visits, surgeries, exams, or treatments. No rise in drug and alcohol abuse, domestic or child abuse, nor increased mental health issues. A return to prosperity would have followed a brief economic hiccup.
Related: COVID19 – Democrats Need to Pay a Political Price for “Killing” Grandma and Grandpa
Remember, Democrats admitted they would do anything to ruin the economy. Guess what, they did, and their commitment for many prevented easy and early access to that cheap, abundant, effective treatment.
The Democrats, the media, and big tech are complicit in murder. And they will do almost anything to avoid that fate. So, when a group of doctors came out last week with a pile of research and testimonials on the effectiveness of HCQ, they had to destroy them.
These medical experts are saying that Hydroxychloroquine works on the young and the old. That it not only helps prevent or lessen symptoms, but it also reduces their effect and demonstrates rapid improvement in patients with this coronavirus. It has saved people of all ages, including those with the highest risk (in their seventies and eighties).
- The Left hid the fact that HCQ is recognized as so safe that many countries sell it over the counter.
- That the only complications and they are rare, occur after years of constant use.
- That only the sick and elderly were truly at risk from COVID19, but that HCQ could save many.
- That the application for symptomatic COVID19 patients would be a few weeks or less.
- As a preventative, you could take it weekly for years without issue.
In other words, since mid-March, there was a cheap, abundant, drug that would have made shutdowns, lockdowns, and quarantines unnecessary. And this is not new news to anyone in the medical community, including Dr. Anthony Fauci. In 2005 NIH issued a study on the effectiveness of the drug on coronaviruses but did we ever hear Fauci speak of it?
Fear is a powerful thing, and the Left has used it not just to ruin the nation but to end thousands of lives needlessly. All to destroy Donald Trump. If you want to be afraid of something, be afraid of a political party and allies who would do this regardless of the cost just so they could rule you.
29-Page White Paper on HCQ (Open in a new link or download here)
White Paper on HCQ 2020.2