Company That Launched (Retracted) Hit Piece on Hydroxychloroquine Vanishes

Not long ago, in the early dark ages (of COVID19), a great leader of the free world said, have you heard of this Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) stuff? Doctors all over the world say it helps. Fearful that their fearmongering might be undone, the Left “discovered” a study that said, HCQ could kill you. And the media sold it.

Related:  Yale Epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin Need to be Widely Available and Promoted

But actual scientists began to question the “research,” so the journal where this study was published retracted the ‘paper’ asked for a review. Can we see your data, please? The study’s author, Surgipshere, nodded, and made some noise and appeared ready to comply. Of course, we stand behind our data (undoubtedly twirling their collective mustaches and stroking their collective chins), just give us a few moments to gather it.

And then they ceased to exist. They are no more. Gone. “A poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more.” An apt reference.

A search of publicly available material suggests several of Surgisphere’s employees have little or no data or scientific background. An employee listed as a science editor appears to be a science fiction author and fantasy artist whose professional profile suggests writing is her fulltime job. Another employee listed as a marketing executive is an adult model and events hostess, who also acts in videos for organisations.

Dr. Sapan Desai, the papers lead author and founder of the now no more Surgisphere, appears to be a near-if-not-total fraud. Universities with whom he claims associations have no recollection of it (but they are looking). And his Doctorates appear to have been faked. 

The next question seems obvious. Who paid him to create a fake company to produce a phony study to instill fear in the populace with a fake paper by a phony doctor running a bogus company? Manufactured news eaten up and regurgitated by the Left and the Fake-News Media, and amplified on social media?

And when are Twitter and Facebook going to get to the business of unflagging updates that questioned the study and flagging those that pimped it as legitimate now that we know it wasn’t just the news that was fall? The entire thing was an exercise in fraud.

And as if none of that mattered, the FDA just revoked the emergency approval of HCQ citing concerns over dangerous side-effects.

AoSHQ | Hot Air

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