Democrat Rule – Rights for “Me” Few or None for “Thee”

Liberal Privilege has many faces, but they all look the same. They are right, and you are wrong. Their science beats your science. Their observations are ‘News,’ and yours are conspiracy theories or lies. Truth is Hate Speech. And when it comes to COVID, everyone gives up their rights except their protesters.

Related:  LA Teachers Union: Can’t open schools unless charter schools shut down, police defunded, …

Pro-Democrat protesters can march, gather, congregate, even loot, burn, and assault people as long as they do it in the name of Left-Wing causes. Activism that could not possibly have caused the spike in Coronavirus cases in California. It has to be everything else because California is embracing shutdown2.0.

Newsom, a Democrat, announced during a press briefing that all bars across the state must close up shop and that restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, family entertainment centers, zoos, museums and card rooms must suspend indoor activities.

The governor also announced that all gyms, places of worship, malls, personal care services, barbershops, salons, and non-critical offices in counties on the state’s “monitoring list” had to shut down under the new order. The order affects more than 30 counties which are home to about 80 percent of California’s population.

Cases mean nothing. Look at Florida. They became ‘Ground Zero” last week for the rising number of confirmed cases, but across the massive length of this state, only  130 people ended up in the ICU (as of yesterday). Florida has 349 hospitals with 1,377 ICU beds. Chaos! Nope.

But that reality doesn’t scare people and fear equals control.

Meanwhile, California is a leader in Left-Wing fashion. The state’s largest teachers union has refused to go back to work even though several studies demonstrate that children, especially younger children, are by far the lowest vector for the spread and may not spread it to adults at all. One study even suggested they lack the receptors to carry it.

But this isn’t even about that, and it never was: transmission, infection, even hospitalizations, and deaths are non-factors. It’s all about politics.

Related: Shelter in Place is Not About Health it is About a More Permanent Form of Confinement

The California Teachers unions say they want a vaccine, and the police defunded, charter schools shuttered, wealth redistribution, a long laundry list of Left-wing hopes and dreams. The bit about the vaccine is for show as is the presumption they care about anything but a political agenda they share with Democrats.

Defunding the police would do significantly more harm, especially to minority kids, than a virus they are unlikely to catch or spread.

As for protests, as long as they are left of center, the further left the better, they will not only be permitted; they will be praised. No one else will have this privilege. And that is what left-Wing rule looks like at every level of government.

It is why Democrats cannot be allowed to retain or gain majorities or win the White House. They would make localized liberal privilege a nationwide policy faster than you can say “what first amendment.”

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