Let’s remind people why we split from King George and beat the Redcoats

Make taxation theft again

Only $15 (down from $22.95) – isn’t competition and Capitalism grand?

No, this is not an ad by Libertarian COuntry on the ‘Grok.  Rather, it’s a reminder of how far stalwart Liberty loving Americans (as opposed to the Berni-bros and Ocasio-Cortez’ers slouching to Socialism) were willing to stand up to abusers and oppressors.  Taxation for a limited Government is a necessary evil – having more taken from you just so that those in power believe you aren’t doing the right things with your money so they HAVE to take it from you is both insulting – and theft. The fact that our “public morality” has been so perverted by Progressives such as Steve Marchand, Mark Fernald, and Molly Kelly (just to name three Socialists running as Democrats – but I repeat myself) should be frightening.  You see, no matter HOW much they take from you, it is never enough.

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A brutal line and validating Steve MacDonald’s claims about a stealth Lefty group.

No labels new and improved
Now With Even More Bi-partisan BS!

Just a brutal takedown by Grant Bosse at the UL of hopeful Democrat Governor candidate Steve Marchand:

But Steve Marchand is doing his best to make Kelly look like Barry Goldwater.

Both balls into the Left’s pool table left side pockets – a two-fer in marking Marchand as a true extremist with his anti-traditional American Exceptionalism stances and given that Molly Kelly is just to his right on the political spectrum, being called Goldwater probably raised her blood pressure a decade or so.  Let’s face it, even the RINOs to her right have a cow being called such.  Well played!

Steve MacDonald began railing against the “No Labels” group when it appeared on the scene and correctly calling it out for being a group camouflage for RINOs that felt at home in “No Labels”because it validated their No Principles stances.  It served Democrats by allowing them to rub elbows with the RINOs laughing inside going “heh, these guys are giving me cover” until it was time for them to tell their Leftist brethren “here, hold my beer” and pop up showing the labels we put on them were genuinely earned as they shucked off that camo netting:

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The Marchand & Molly Show Got Nothing to Say About Record NH Employment

Marchand and MollyLast month we reported on New Hampshire breaking new ground on both employment and labor participation in May. June was even better.

Seasonally adjusted estimates for June 2018 placed the number of employed residents at 735,730, an increase of 2,540 from the previous month and an increase of 9,020 from June 2017.

I can’t seem to find any comment from Democrat Gubernatorial candidates Steve Marchand or Molly Kelly about this continued climb into record employment and robust labor force participation absent their apothecary’s inventory of socialist curatives.

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Candidates for NH Governor

No, current GOP Governor Chris Sununu (only candidate in the NH GOP primary) was a no-show at this event (was it something we all said at an earlier “conservative Old Home Day meeting” that never happened?) but a potential rival did show up (albeit, late in the day) – Aaron Day and came well prepared to speak: … Read more

Illegal Alien Child Rapists are Separating Children From Their Childhood

children-walking-to-schoolNorth Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement  (NCFire) is a private group that combs through state and local crime data.  They document the child sexual assaults charges/arrests of undocumented illegal aliens in their state. They do not assert that they find them all which is shocking when you look at what they uncover.

NCFire has recorded over 400 cases of child sexual assault or rape by illegals since January 2018, and over 800 last year.

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Oh, by the way Kathy Sullivan? About the fact that all Democrats are now Socialists?

Newsweek All Socialists now

OK, so Newsweek was only right about the Left – I dare say that only US Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is about the only Blue Dog Democrat (think centrist, even if Left of that center).

So, Kathy Sullivan – tell me this: with respect to “truth in advertising” (a form of speech as well, right??), is the Democrat Party going to rebrand itself as THE Socialist Party of the US?  After all, look at all the hooha over Democrat Socialist of America rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? And that the current Democrat National Committee Chair Tom Perez openly stated that this openly Socialist candidate is the future of your Party. Add to that the ideas (and political speech) from YOUR Democrat candidates Levi Sanders and Steve Marchand who are right there with her? And that Molly Kelly isn’t all that far behind them?

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Dem Gubernatorial Candidate Steve Marchand Wants to Make NH A Sanctuary State

Steve MarchandDemocrat Gubernatorial Candidate Steve Marchand has read the fair-trade responsibly sourced liberal tea leaves. Advocating Far-Left ideas wins Democrat primaries. To that end, he’s decided to share his plan for making New Hampshire into a sanctuary state.

Keep in mind that it is the Sanctuary Status of Lawrence, Massachusetts that makes it the epicenter of opioid and human trafficking into New Hampshire.

Tone-deaf, much?

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Once again, Tucker Carlson shows that the Left CAN’T answer a straight forward question: what will happen when you confiscate guns from law abiding citizens?”

So this Georgia lawmaker,  State Rep. Erica Thomas, went on Tucker Carlson in defense right after the first March for Our Lesser Rights Lives rallies and rightfully took the kids to task for not understanding that complex problem do not have simple answers. He had a simple question: what would happen in Georgia if a law she supported went into effect?  That law, supported by Thomas, mandated that Georgia State Police were to go and seize all “assault weapons” (obligatory reminder: there is no such thing as its a made up Progressive political term) and “high” capacity magazines.

She proves, once again, that you cannot trust what politicians say but what they do.  She spends the entire time avoiding Carlson’s rather simple and straightforward question: what would happen and aren’t people going to get killed over this. She would not admit to the “seize” part means mandatory confiscation and would not admit that anything wrong would happen.  She kept sidestepping and could not be honest about what she wanted to do. This Progressive was all set in declaring, without any due process, that law abiding citizens were to be declared criminals with the signing of a piece of paper just like Deerfield, Illinois (here and here) has done with Boulder, Colorado now looking to do the same.

I’m going to apply this rule to Steve Marchand, too; he’s

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It’s Another “Can’t We All Just Get Along Coalition”

John DiStaso’s Granite Status alerts us to the formation of yet another group designed to help American’s ‘find a copacetic political medium.’  This one is called NoLabels. Like similar ‘groups’ (I’ll call them out in a moment) this one wants to bring the self-proclaimed rational people from both sides into the center.

From DiStato

A new advocacy group that disdains "hyper-partisanship" and promotes "the vital center" is trying to make in-roads in New Hampshire.

"Ultimately, unless we get rid of some of our ideological intensity, we are not going to be served by government."

The group is being fronted locally by former Portsmouth mayor and so-called centrist democrat Steve Marchand.  I’m not going to waste time on whether Marchand is centrist or not, in fact I think I’ll skip the preview reel altogether and get to the point.

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