Levi Sanders, Bernie Sanders

Cleaning up my stack of stuff: Why is it always the Socialists that decry “we are the wealthiest nation in history”?

by Skip

Forgot I had transcribed this from WMUR’s CLOSE UP show (Aug 12, 2018) where Levi Sanders, running to be the Democrat candidate in NH’s Second Congressional District even as he lived in CD-1, said the magic words:

On Tuesday or Wednesday, there will be one of the most important votes in the modern history of this country. And that vote will be whether or not in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, we throw 22 million Americans off the health insurance they currently have.

Yeah, once again – wrongthink.  Certainly the idea of a successful Medicare-for-All (which his Dad’s bill isn’t really Medicare-for-all that Bernie touts but is structured more like Medicaid-for-all and jams down lower payments to doctors and hospitals in order to say “see, we lowered healthcare costs” and caring not a whit about the restructuring again of 1/6 of our economy).  This is just a sidenote.  My real point is this:

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Oh, by the way Kathy Sullivan? About the fact that all Democrats are now Socialists?

by Skip

Newsweek All Socialists now

OK, so Newsweek was only right about the Left – I dare say that only US Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is about the only Blue Dog Democrat (think centrist, even if Left of that center).

So, Kathy Sullivan – tell me this: with respect to “truth in advertising” (a form of speech as well, right??), is the Democrat Party going to rebrand itself as THE Socialist Party of the US?  After all, look at all the hooha over Democrat Socialist of America rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? And that the current Democrat National Committee Chair Tom Perez openly stated that this openly Socialist candidate is the future of your Party. Add to that the ideas (and political speech) from YOUR Democrat candidates Levi Sanders and Steve Marchand who are right there with her? And that Molly Kelly isn’t all that far behind them?

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And more words from a Democrat Socialist, Levi Sanders. Guess what’s missing from his rant?

by Skip
Levi Sanders and Brother from another mother Barry-O
Levi Sanders and ideological brother from another mother Barry-O

“What you just heard is that Chris Pappas doesn’t believe in a ‘Medicare For All’ single-payer healthcare system,” Sanders said. “So I want to ask Chris and all the other people who don’t believe in it:  How do you plan to deal with the issues of co-payments, deductibles and premiums?”

“I talk to people all over the district and they tell me they have stomach aches and anxiety disorders from worrying about what’s happening with their healthcare,” Sanders said. “We need a health care system that is free for every man, woman and child. That means no co-payments, no deductibles and no premiums.”

Which translates to “no self-responsibility”.  In essence, a complete reversal of the American ideal of

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Son of Sanders Has a Lackluster Congressional Campaign in New Hampshire

levi sanders photoLevi ‘s Sander’s is running for Congress in New Hampshire. And he says, “we’re reaching out to a lot of low income and working class folks. I’m starting to get a good group of folks in New Hampshire, and I’m feeling very good.”

But no one else is feeling the vibe.

Sanders grabbed national headlines in late February when he announced his bid for the House in New Hampshire’s high profile First Congressional District.

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Nine Democrats Running in NHCD-1 Primary – Not One Will Admit to Supporting Pelosi

pelosiFear of political retribution for supporting one of the most unliked Democrats in modern history has prompted all nine of the primary contestants in the Democrats to Replace Shea-Porter CD-1 fashion who to shun the political stylings of party Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Michael Graham, writing at Inside Sources, observes that, while they appear to cover the spectrum of options for Democrat primary voters, “they all have one thing in common: None of them say they’ll vote to make Nancy Pelosi House Speaker.”

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