To us dinosaurs, life used to be a system of meritocracy. You worked and studied hard to get ahead at school, work, and life. You planned well and surrounded yourself with positive mentors. You were proud of your accomplishments, but not to the point of being brash. The action that disrupted the equilibrium was nepotism.
work ethic
Upper Valley Update: Business As Unusual?
It’s difficult to know where to begin when talking about what’s happened in the Upper Valley since COVID hit back in 2020. However, the most obvious place to start is with businesses and the lack of help.
Is McDonald’s a Better “Teacher” Than the Average Modern University?
I started my working life, paper route aside, working at McDonald’s for $2.35/hour. Before I left, I was a store manager, training, and experience which lead to other such positions. Those lead to a testing gig in high-tech. QC and ISO positions (all self-trained), product management, technical writing, logistics, and other productive skills the free market needs.
But it all started when McDonald’s taught me the value of being valuable.
Rand Paul points out the problem. Solution is Legislative Accountability with “Degree of Fecklessness” on vote scoring
“The Secretary shall” do this and “The Secretary shall” do that…a recipe to irrelevancy for our Legislators in the US Congress and Senate. Senator Rand Paul gets it right (emphasis mine):
I, for one, am for immigration reform. … That being said, I’m worried that the bill before us won’t pass. May pass the Senate, may not pass the House. I want to be constructive in making the bill strong enough that conservatives, myself included, conservative Republicans in the House, will vote for this because I think immigration reform is something we should do. In this bill, I’m worried though… it says, well, you have to have a plan to build a fence, but you don’t have to build a fence. And if you don’t have a plan to build a fence, then you get a commission. I don’t know what happens if the commission doesn’t do anything. That’s the story of Washington around here. To me, it’s a little bit like Obamacare, and I hate to bring that up, but 1800 references to the “secretary shall at a later date” decide things. We don’t write bills around here. We should write the bill, we should write the plan, we should do these things to secure the border, whether it be fence, entry-exit, we should write it, not delegate it, because, what’s going to happen in five years, if they don’t do their job — it may not even be them, it may be somebody else who doesn’t do their job in five years — and the border’s not secure, we will be blamed for the next ten million people who come here illegally.
Do we need immigration reform?
Obama’s move to a more Socialistic state – a warning from someone who grew up in a socialist state
“America’s wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success. Take away their incentive with badmouthing success and you take away the wealth that helps us take care of the needy. Yes, in socialism the rich will be poorer — but the poor will also be poorer. People will lose interest in really working hard and creating jobs.”
A refugee from socialistic Hungary during the Cold War, Thomas Peterffy knew not just the economic ills of such a system but the moral decay of the human spirit of such a system. This is the system that Obama and the other Democrat Socialists of America wish to put upon this nation. Equality is one thing – under the law as the Founders believed true Freedom must have. But they are looking to have a forced material equality, a forced “opportunity” equality, which forces the State to not promote equality for some but rather, establishes a faux equality by removing that very same freedom from “those that do not deserve it” or from those “that are fortunate” or those “that have more”. In short, taking from those that have actually used the opportunity that America (til now) has afforded to everyone.