Palin v. Elites

Rick Richman, at Pajamas Media, has posted an excellent article on the recent debate over Sarah Palin’s remarks on Paul Revere.   It stands quite well on its own so I’m only going to make one comment, offer a quote, and provide a link.

My comment

There are plenty of Republicans and Independents out there who have either gotten lazy and simply adopted the lefts narrative on Palin or who are actual snobby-right-wing elites protecting the moderate Republican power base.  I’ve not much of a stomach for either.  So if you feel like tossing out some of that left wing elitist narrative, and I’m talking to the non-democrats here, just be prepared to back it up.

Here’s the quote:

Some prominent bloggers on the right.. conclud[ed] that Palin’s inelegantly expressed remark was further evidence of her “chronic problem” — an alleged inability to speak clearly even when making valid points. Some expressed the hope that this trait, allegedly evidenced by the latest kerfuffle, would end her presidential prospects.

The tri-part reaction to Palin’s remark— (1) she’s stupid; (2) she was only unknowingly right; (3) she was right, but she can’t speak good English — was an elite response. It was the reaction of a class that prizes, above all else, educational credentials and the ability to speak well.

Ironically, that is part of our current predicament. The sitting president is someone elected without experience or accomplishments, largely because he was well-educated, spoke well, and wrote a book. Some Republicans and conservatives thought Obama was potentially a great president while lacking even the qualifications of the vice-presidential candidate on the opposing ticket — a sitting governor with an impressive record of achievement.

Here’s the link

Now go read the whole thing.  

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