Pay As You Throw Had To Go – Revisited

In April of 2011 I wrote about trying to institute Pay As You Throw in Merrimack.  Seeing as this comes up every year, I figured it was time to re-post it.  One point I would add; If any division of the town government intends to continue making a case for costs/burden related to actual use they should be prepared for an all out assault on school taxes (you are still taxing the elderly, childless, and parents with kids out of school), Hydrant fees (we all pay them but who ever uses them), and much, much, more.

by Steve MacDonald – Originally posted on April 22,2011

trash bagThe Merrimack Town Council bent to the will of the voters and scrapped plans to institute a pay as you throw program.  That would have required residents to buy special bags for trash at $1.00 or $1.50 per bag, and you could only use those bags at the town dump.

But we’ve been warned.  This is an issue that will be revisited. Or so we have been told.

Well, screw that, let’s look at it now.

The Bells! The Bells!

My phone has been ringing about every 15 minutes.  If this is getting on my nerves I can’t imagine how the non-activist citizens are taking it.  But tomorrow that ends–for a little while. And today we vote. Who will win the New Hampshire Primary?  Include your run down of who comes out where and feel … Read more

The One You Feed

“My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, & ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, & truth.”

Do Democrats Now Love The Chamber Of Commerce?

Remember when the Chamber of Commerce (C of C) was the lefts whipping boy? They were evil capitalists using money from “outside the country” to affect their selfish policy agenda- So what do those same leftists have to say about that same Chamber of Commerce (presumably with the same funding) leading the charge to prevent the enforcement of e-verify?

Palin v. Elites

There are plenty of Republicans and Independents out there who have either gotten lazy and simply adopted the lefts narrative on Palin or who are actual snobby-right-wing elites protecting the moderate Republican power base. I’ve not much of a stomach for either. So if you feel like tossing out some of that left wing elitist narrative just be prepared to back it up.

Which Is Worse Or Is It Both?

It should come as no surprise to anyone that a guy (Mr. Obama) who sat in a church for years and years and insists he didn’t hear anything that he didn’t (presumably) want to hear, would be any different towards the American people?

RGGI Must Die!!

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is a Tax. It is broad based, affecting every aspect of our lives. And it is a tax beyond our constitutional control. These added costs, this tax, is set outside the state and can be affected by third parties and secondary markets, none of whom answer to any elected or appointed official in that we can elect or remove form office. No one will ever get to testify at a hearing before any of these actors moves to increase our taxes; they will simply go up with the cost of credits sold through RGGI.

All Hail King Reggie (RGGI)

…you can make excuses, legislate give backs that will only grow the taxpayer funded bureaucracy to manage them, tie our exit to yet another outside power (like some other state), or just bend over and kiss King Reggies….ring. Yes.  All hail king Reggie.  Long may he tax us without fear of retribution.

Elvis, Osama bin Laden, and Jim Morrison Walk Into A Baskin Robbins….

ElvisAs a rule, the lefts interest in photographs of the dead are limited to political hits on opponents, or moody propaganda pieces for the anointed one. (Obama honors war dead–look, see–pictures.)  So can releasing the pictures of an ex-Osama provide some political advantage today? 

I feel comfortable stating right out front that I don’t think they’ll show us any pictures unless Obama looks as if he’ll lose in 2012.   They will make excuses and hem and haw, to intentionally create another conspiracy theory; that Osama is being held on the same sound stage where we faked the moon landing–or…something like that. 

And they will do it because the political distraction of pictures unseen, and a death unconfirmed, dragged out for months or years, has the potential to create a "deather" movement that can be used to distract the American people from a larger problem; high unemployment, rising inflation, and the return of stagflation and the misery index.  At least in theory.  Mr. Obama does need all the misdirection he can get, and any situation that pits his word against that of others, where no hard evidence exists to refute him, fuels the mission statement and puts meat on the bones of the narrative; his detractors are a bunch of wacky racists looking for a reason to smear Dear Leader.

So a photograph, like a birth certificate which exists but that has only been confirmed by reputable sources, is the perfect foil for the legions of cynics who realize that most everything that comes from the mouths of this Executive branch are more like the words of Satan; if not outright lies, they are half truths riddled with omissions, and always with a shelf life.  No "body," hidden pictures…even the most pragmatic person will feel inclined towards doubt.

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