Peter Kucmas for NH House of Representatives

by Steve MacDonald

Serving Lyndeborough, Mont Vernon, New Boston, Temple, and Wilton 


Dear Voters,

Why vote on May 17th 2011? Because your vote truly matters…

My name is Peter Kucmas (Kuchmasch). On May 17th, 2011, I humbly ask you to please cast your vote for me in the special election for State Representative in District 4 for the towns of Lyndeborough, Mont Vernon, New Boston, Temple and Wilton. It would be an honor and a privilege for me to serve you at the State House should you choose to elect me into office.

New Hampshire represents a way of life that Tammy and I adore. We wish that our children will enjoy and appreciate our community as much as we do, so that no matter where life takes them they always think back to the comfort and serenity of a small town. Our children will always remember sitting on the front porch at Dodges Store on a warm sunny day, the 4th of July parade, the pride in our community, the river drives on Rte 13 and the walking trails. And most importantly, we want them to remember this is where the Pledge of Allegiance is heartfelt, with the hard work and dedication of our community, such as our volunteer fire department and so many others. We also wish that they are always instilled by a "Live Free or Die" attitude that is such a strong bond to our State’s past, as well as, continuous guidance to our future.

I respect and greatly value the Constitution as small, efficient, less intrusive, compassionate government, private property rights, self-protection rights and family values. I believe Fiscal responsibility for our government is a cornerstone to our success: New Hampshire and America were built on hard work, determination, freedom and a can do attitude. Certainly these values are still within us and together we can make them flourish into personal success again. Simply said, as government continues to expand in policy, size and cost, individual freedoms are slowly taken away and traded for fees, taxes, uncertainty and reduced productivity. This I know personally whilst living under a Socialist system in Czechoslovakia. New Hampshire needs a financially responsible government that does not spend money faster then it can tax us. We need a common sense government with strong business acumen that spends smartly and judiciously for goods and services that we can afford. A fiscally responsible government does not mean we forget the elderly, the disabled and the needy. A responsible government of true leadership eliminates waste and fraud.

In addition to government fiscal responsibility, for us to grow financially, we must make our state welcoming to new business. Big and small (mom and pop) businesses of any type and size should find it attractive to call New Hampshire home. We need to achieve a tax code that makes it cheaper for a business to operate in New Hampshire as compared to the other 49 States in the Union. Once businesses are welcomed into New Hampshire, jobs will follow. These would be real jobs that are not subsidized by any program that may run out at the whim of a politicians pen. This is how we can build prosperity and personal success. New business brings revenue, a tax base, as well as, sustainable jobs that improve our way of life and our standard of living. We should strive to be the State that everyone wants to call home.

A fiscally responsible government and new business opportunities are nothing without Freedom. Freedom is the most precious right bestowed upon us by our constitution, and we must jealously guard this right from any attack. This I also know, living behind the Iron Curtain until 1975, I had been denied liberty! Imagine what if there was no America as we know it. What if America was just like any other country in the world. What would this world look like when a disaster would strike, a tyrant hurt thousands of his own people, or a nation invaded the sovereign land of another? Who would care? Who would give a helping hand? Who would mobilize aid? This is why our state and federal government must remain true to the words and the spirit of our Constitution. Our forefathers knew what good looks like, and good continues to be relevant to this day. America is the aspiration, the benchmark, the pinnacle for others to look up to and emulate. This honor is not a privilege or a right, but rather an accomplishment of individuals like you under the gazes of freedom with sound government, leadership, entrepreneurship and pride.

It is often said, "To whom much is given, much is expected." New Hampshire and America gave me freedom and in return I wish to reciprocate by representing your wishes at the State House. I humbly ask you to please cast your vote for me, PETER KUCMAS on May 17th, 2011. Together we can make history for our district and our state. Who knows If we do a good job in Concord, perhaps even The Old Man on the Mountain would consider coming back?

Meet and Greet…. For those of you who would like to meet me and share in my dream, I will be attending an open meeting at the New Boston Library on Sunday, May 15th at 6:30 PM. Thank you and God Bless.

Peter Kucmas
Fiscal agent – Phone: 603.487.1079

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  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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