Zandra “Rice-Out-Of-State-Palooza” Hawkins

Out of State funded, Colorado Model, intrusive Democrat Agenda-thumper Zandra Rice Hawkins of Granite State Progress, is a progressive mole, and paid lobbyist, planted by the out of state agenda-mill Progress Now to operate as a “local” left wing propaganda machine.  (Progress Now is an extension or partner with Democracy Alliance   both of which are funded by politically connected liberal millionaires none of whom are from or live in New Hampshire).

Out-of-state-funded-So-called in-state activist Hawkins latest event featured out of state parents whose children were tragically killed in a different state from ours,  so that they could come here and tell our US Senator (Kelly Ayotte) how she should vote.

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Granite State Progress Goes Tucson

This week I did a call-in because last week Zandra Rice Hawkins of Granite State Progress attended Congressman Guinta’s town hall in Laconia, and at one point decided to storm up towards the podium to ‘set the record straight.’ She was not tackled, tasered or shot. In fact she spoke her mind–as liberals are wont to do–without interruption and was even given a chance to ask questions despite essentially hijacking the event.

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