Hassan’s Special Interests

Skip has done a great job piling on this Hassan HB1459-political speech issue, and I’m not sure how much more we can add today, but this quote caught my eye, Skip didn’t take it in the direction I expected. (So I will) Maggie Hassan is quoted as saying…

“Millions of Americans invest retirement money in corporations,” Hassan said. “Citizens United says that corporations could spend millions on political advertising against their interests.

Hello! Hassan! What the hell have unions been doing all these years with dues money they collect from their members who have conistently objected to the political purposes to which it has been spent? When they object they risk getting an actual beating in some union shops. And your coming up with this?

Now this is just off the cuff because I can’t say which way Hassan or the 14 NH State Senators who voted for HB 1459 with the amendment would go on the issue, but if I had to guess (yes, I’m profiling) they would as a majority protect the union against efforts by Dues paying Union ‘investors’ who object to the use of their dues money for political purposes to which they object.  No conflict of interest need be filed wit them either as they are the recipients of those dues dollars.

This of course invalidates Hassan’s argument, presents her as a hypocrite, and perhaps even as a benefactor, if she is in fact guilty as charged. Maybe someone can look it up, I just don’t have the time right now.

Until then, my assertion will stand as is. The "against their interests" clause–for all the reasons Skip mentioned, and now based on mine above–are just another cartload Buzzard Hassan can be seen squawking over.

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